Academic Staff and Fellows

Professor Dr. Sc.
Department/Science  Graduate school/Science Science(兼担)

Laser ablated polyenes and fullerenes are studied by molecular spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. With experimental and theoretical knowledges on stability and structures of carbon molecules, microscopic views of high-temperature molecular processes are discussed.

Molecular Structures of Clusters with Atoms of Metals and Semiconductors

Research Area Physical Chemistry and Chemistry of Nanostructures
Research Interests Spectroscopy of Linear Carbon Molecules, Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy of Metal/Semiconductor Clusters, Production and Isolation of Endohedralfullerenes
Selected Publications (1) Phosphorescence excitation mapping and vibrational spectroscopy of HC9N and HC11N cyanopolyynes in organic solvents, J. Mol. Struct. 1214, 128201 (2020).

(2) Matrix isolation spectroscopy and spectral simulations of isotopically substituted C60 molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 234301 (2019).

(3) Bi2Ne: Weakly bound cluster of diatomic bismuth with neon, Low Temp. Phys./ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 45, 807-815 (2019).
Research and Achievements
(Undergraduate Course)
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science,
Tokyo Metropolitan University
(Master's/Doctral Course)
Department of Chemistry,
Graduate School of Science,
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Title of Thesis, Institute, Date Dynamics and Growth Mechanism of Carbon Network Systems, Tokyo Metropolitan University, March 1995
Biography JSPS Young Researcher, DC1 (1993-1995)
Assistant Professor, Kyoto University (1995-2004)
Guest Researcher, Max-Planck-Instiut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg (2000-2001)
Lecturer, Kindai University (2004-2007)
Associate Professor, Kindai University (2007-20013)
Professor, Kindai University (2013-present)
Books Recommended to Students Freeman J. Dyson, Infinity in All Directions, Harper & Raw, New York (1988).

Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry

Office Location Bldg. 22C, 6F
E-mail wakaba(at)
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Laboratory URL

Academic Staff and Fellows