Admissions Policy, Curriculum Policy, Diploma Policy

Admissions Policy

In line with KINDAI UNIVERSITY's founding principle of "learning for the real world," the Faculty of Science and Engineering develops students into individuals who are rich in creativity and who fill a need in society. We welcome the following applicants:

  1. Those who have the basic academic ability needed to study in the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the determination to carry through with their learning.
  2. Those who understand what it means to contribute to society, who grasp the significance of public welfare, and who hold a moral outlook in which public service is valued.
  3. Those who have intellectual curiosity and a strong interest in natural science and technology.
  4. Those who can set goals for the future and study with a sense of purpose.

Students who wish to enroll at the Faculty of Science and Engineering should have the following scholastic abilities.

Japanese language: The ability to comprehend written Japanese, express oneself in the language, and think logically in it.

English language: The ability to grasp the gist of English text, express oneself in the language, and understand everyday spoken English.
Mathematics: Studied at high-school level
Science: Studied at least two of these subjects: physics, chemistry, or biology.

Curriculum Policy

The Faculty of Science and Engineering offers curricula (listed below) designed to fulfill its educational philosophy of developing students into individuals who are well educated and creative, who take a disciplined approach to their studies, who can think for themselves, and who can proactively take on challenges to solve problems.

Liberal Arts

These subjects help to broaden the scope of students' education by fostering in them a global perspective and a sense of moral responsibility as individuals involved in science and technology. As well as developing the basic communication skills of reading, writing, and conversing, students improve their ability to convey information through active presentations. In the first year, small-group classes develop each students' ability to generate ideas, be creative, and solve problems.

Foreign Languages

Recognizing the value of foreign language education, this faculty aims to produce human resources that can play an active role on the global stage. Students are required to take a considerable number of credits in order to graduate. English courses take a systematic approach to developing students' all-round language proficiency. Classes provide a thorough grounding in the basics, train students in practical English, and boost communication skills through interaction with native English-speaking teachers.

Basic Faculty Subjects

These classes, which include mathematics, physics, and information processing, provide the minimum basic academic skills needed by anyone studying science and engineering. The goal is for students to gain literacy in science and technology and develop the basic academic ability to receive specialized education.

Specialized Subjects

Subjects are organized in line with the human resource development goals of each department. The curriculum develops students into individuals who possess sound basic skills and the flexibility to respond to rapid progress in science and technology. By focusing on experiments and hands-on training, and by facilitating industry-academia collaboration, this faculty offers practical education with real-world relevance.

Diploma Policy

The Faculty of Science and Engineering's educational goal is to develop students into sociable, well-educated individuals who are capable of showing sound judgment, who can contribute to society through science and technology, and who can serve as leaders. With this goal in mind, we assess students' educational achievements strictly. Only students who have taken all the necessary subjects and achieved the required number of credits may graduate and be awarded an academic degree (i.e., a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering). Before graduating, students should acquire the following qualities and abilities.

  1. Students should always strive to be caring, trustworthy, and respectable individuals, in line with KINDAI UNIVERSITY's educational goals, while also maintaining an attitude of ongoing self-improvement.
  2. Students should be able to voluntarily and proactively deal with various social issues with a global perspective.
  3. Students should be able to understand the basic theories and technologies in their fields of expertise and be able to think in a systematic manner.
  4. Students should have integrity and a sense of responsibility towards society, and they should be able to make the most of their expertise.
  5. Backed by a broad base of education and expertise, students should be able to identify problems and solve them through flexible thinking.
  6. Students should possess a level of foreign language proficiency commensurate with living in an age of globalization.