
ルドルフ ナサ二エル ジョン (るどるふ なさにえる じょん)
准教授 博士 (言語文化教育)
専門 社会言語学、言語教育、文化人類学
担当科目(学部) オーラルイングリッシュ1・2・3・4
Identity and Community Membership in Japan: Sociohistorical Approaches, Issues and Implications
Critical Approaches to Applied Linguistics and Language Education
"Second Language Acquisition”
主な研究テーマ リンガ・フランカとしての英語と日本語; 言語の学習者,ユーザーおよび教師のアイデンティティ; 応用言語学および言語教育への批判的指向アプローチ
代表的な研究業績 1) Rudolph, N. (2022). Narratives and negotiations of identity in Japan and criticality in (English) language education: (Dis) connections and implications. TESOL Quarterly. Online at:  

3) Rudolph, N., Selvi, A. F., & Yazan, B. (Eds.). (2020). The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

researchmap https://researchmap.jp/Rudolph
所属学協会 JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers)
JACET ELF (English as a Lingua Franca Special Interest Group)
Asia TEFL English as a lingua franca Research Network
American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
学外活動 Volunteer and Program Coordinator (local children's home 児童養護施設)

Review Editor/Managing Editor, Asian Englishes

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Language, Identity and Education

Manuscript Reviewer for journals including TESOL Quarterly; TESOL Journal; RELC Journal; Applied Linguistics; Journal of Language, Identity and Education; Asian Englishes; International Multilingual Research Journal.

Manuscript Reviewer for book publishers including Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge.
出身大学 イースタンワシントン大学・国際関係学部国際関係 (学士)
出身大学院 イースタンワシントン大学大学院・歴史学科歴史(修士)
論文名、取得大学、取得年月 Borderlands and Border Crossing: Japanese Professors of English and the Negotiation of Translinguistic and Transcultural Identity.(2012)
主な経歴 平成26年4月 武庫川女子大学大学院 英文学科 専任講師
平成29年4月 同准教授
学生へのアドバイス I am honored to be part of your experience here at Kindai. I wish you all the best with your studies!
学生に薦めたい書物 1) Transcultural Japan; 2) Reinventing Japan: Time, Space, Nation (日本を再発明する: 時間、空間、ネーション)
趣味・その他 家族;ボランティア活動;作曲;釣り; ジム
メールアドレス nrudolph(at)kindai.ac.jp
  • 迷惑メールを避けるため(at)を使用しております。メールする場合は@に書き換えてください。


array(85) { ["professor_id"]=> string(3) "819" ["site"]=> string(3) "sci" ["html"]=> string(20) "10_rudolph_nathanael" ["login_id"]=> string(21) "nrudolph@kindai.ac.jp" ["login_pw"]=> string(64) "fb651086693584049e8572fad12dcacd6e8bc246a42c5757be13bf8d4cef0a28" ["name"]=> string(38) "ルドルフ ナサ二エル ジョン" ["name_en"]=> string(22) "RUDOLPH Nathanael John" ["name_kana"]=> string(38) "るどるふ なさにえる じょん" ["jobtype"]=> string(1) "3" ["degree"]=> string(27) "博士 (言語文化教育)" ["degree_en"]=> string(66) "Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction (language education and culture)" ["department"]=> string(20) "department_education" ["department_txt"]=> string(0) "" ["department_txt_en"]=> string(34) "Liberal Arts and General Education" ["major1"]=> string(0) "" ["major2"]=> string(0) "" ["category1"]=> string(0) "" ["class1"]=> string(0) "" ["category2"]=> string(0) "" ["class2"]=> string(0) "" ["category3"]=> string(0) "" ["class3"]=> string(0) "" ["specialty"]=> string(48) "社会言語学、言語教育、文化人類学" ["specialty_en"]=> string(59) "Sociolinguistics; Language education; Cultural Anthropology" ["subject"]=> string(253) "オーラルイングリッシュ1・2・3・4 Identity and Community Membership in Japan: Sociohistorical Approaches, Issues and Implications Critical Approaches to Applied Linguistics and Language Education "Second Language Acquisition”" ["subject_en"]=> string(256) "オーラルイングリッシュ1・2・3・4 Identity and Community Membership in Japan: Sociohistorical Approaches, Issues and Implications Critical Approaches to Applied Linguistics and Language Education "Second Language Acquisition"" ["subject_graduate"]=> string(0) "" ["subject_graduate_en"]=> string(0) "" ["research_theme"]=> string(211) "リンガ・フランカとしての英語と日本語; 言語の学習者,ユーザーおよび教師のアイデンティティ; 応用言語学および言語教育への批判的指向アプローチ" ["research_theme_en"]=> string(171) "Translingual practice; critical approaches to language teacher and learner identity; (in)equity in (and beyond) language education; negotiated being and belonging in Japan" ["research_record"]=> string(907) "1)&nbsp;<strong>Rudolph, N. </strong>(2022). Narratives and negotiations of identity in Japan and criticality in (English) language education: (Dis) connections and implications.&nbsp;<em>TESOL Quarterly</em>. Online at:&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3150">https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3150</a><br /><br />2)&nbsp;<strong>Rudolph, N. </strong>(2022). World Englishes and identity. In K. Bolton (Ed.), <em>Encyclopedia of World Englishes </em>(online). Wiley.<br /><br />3)&nbsp;<strong>Rudolph, N.</strong>, Selvi, A. F., &amp; Yazan, B. (Eds.). (2020).&nbsp;<em>The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education</em>. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.<br /><br /><br /><br />&nbsp;" ["research_record_en"]=> string(871) "1)&nbsp;<strong>Rudolph, N. </strong>(2022). Narratives and negotiations of identity in Japan and criticality in (English) language education: (Dis) connections and implications.&nbsp;<em>TESOL Quarterly</em>. Online at:&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3150">https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3150</a><br /><br />2)&nbsp;<strong>Rudolph, N. </strong>(2022). World Englishes and identity. In K. Bolton (Ed.), <em>Encyclopedia of World Englishes </em>(online). Wiley.<br /><br />3)&nbsp;<strong>Rudolph, N.</strong>, Selvi, A. F., &amp; Yazan, B. (Eds.). (2020).&nbsp;<em>The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education</em>. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.<br />&nbsp;" ["research_results"]=> string(372) "Google Scholar: <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&amp;user=got63uoAAAAJ">https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&amp;user=got63uoAAAAJ</a><br /><br />ResearchGate: <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nathanael_Rudolph">https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nathanael_Rudolph</a>" ["research_results_en"]=> string(372) "Google Scholar: <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&amp;user=got63uoAAAAJ">https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&amp;user=got63uoAAAAJ</a><br /><br />ResearchGate: <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nathanael_Rudolph">https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nathanael_Rudolph</a>" ["researchmap"]=> string(30) "https://researchmap.jp/Rudolph" ["researchoverview"]=> string(0) "" ["academic_society"]=> string(234) "JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers) JACET ELF (English as a Lingua Franca Special Interest Group) Asia TEFL Asia TEFL English as a lingua franca Research Network American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)" ["academic_society_en"]=> string(234) "JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers) JACET ELF (English as a Lingua Franca Special Interest Group) Asia TEFL Asia TEFL English as a lingua franca Research Network American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)" ["activities"]=> string(502) "Volunteer and Program Coordinator (local children's home 児童養護施設) Review Editor/Managing Editor, Asian Englishes Editorial Board Member, Journal of Language, Identity and Education Manuscript Reviewer for journals including TESOL Quarterly; TESOL Journal; RELC Journal; Applied Linguistics; Journal of Language, Identity and Education; Asian Englishes; International Multilingual Research Journal. Manuscript Reviewer for book publishers including Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge." ["activities_en"]=> string(502) "Volunteer and Program Coordinator (local children's home 児童養護施設) Review Editor/Managing Editor, Asian Englishes Editorial Board Member, Journal of Language, Identity and Education Manuscript Reviewer for journals including TESOL Quarterly; TESOL Journal; RELC Journal; Applied Linguistics; Journal of Language, Identity and Education; Asian Englishes; International Multilingual Research Journal. Manuscript Reviewer for book publishers including Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge." ["university"]=> string(78) "イースタンワシントン大学・国際関係学部国際関係 (学士)" ["university_en"]=> string(58) "B.A., International Affairs, Eastern Washington University" ["graduate_school"]=> string(269) "イースタンワシントン大学大学院・歴史学科歴史(修士) テンプル大学大学院(大阪キャンパス)・教育学部英語教育(修士) メリーランド大学大学院・教育学部キャリクラムと教育学科言語文化教育(Ph.D.)" ["graduate_school_en"]=> string(204) "M.A. Latin American and Iberian History, Eastern Washington University M.S. Ed TESOL, Temple University PhD, Curriculum and Instruction (Emphasis: Language education), University of Maryland, College Park" ["monograph"]=> string(140) "Borderlands and Border Crossing: Japanese Professors of English and the Negotiation of Translinguistic and Transcultural Identity.(2012)" ["monograph_en"]=> string(140) "Borderlands and Border Crossing: Japanese Professors of English and the Negotiation of Translinguistic and Transcultural Identity.(2012)" ["career"]=> string(109) "平成26年4月 武庫川女子大学大学院 英文学科 専任講師 平成29年4月 同准教授" ["career_en"]=> string(357) "2011~2017: Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics and Language Education, Mukogawa Women's University (Nishinomiya, Japan) 2017~2020: Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and Language Education, Mukogawa Women's University (Nishinomiya, Japan) At Present: Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics and Language Education, Kindai University" ["advise"]=> string(101) "I am honored to be part of your experience here at Kindai. I wish you all the best with your studies!" ["advise_en"]=> string(101) "I am honored to be part of your experience here at Kindai. I wish you all the best with your studies!" ["recommend"]=> string(128) "1) Transcultural Japan; 2) Reinventing Japan: Time, Space, Nation (日本を再発明する: 時間、空間、ネーション)" ["recommend_en"]=> string(128) "1) Transcultural Japan; 2) Reinventing Japan: Time, Space, Nation (日本を再発明する: 時間、空間、ネーション)" ["hobby"]=> string(59) "家族;ボランティア活動;作曲;釣り; ジム" ["hobby_en"]=> string(52) "Family; Volunteer work; writing music; fishing; gym." 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