
武内 良典 (たけうち よしのり)
教授 博士(工学)
所属学科/電気電子通信工学科  所属専攻/エレクトロニクス系工学専攻


専門 集積システム設計、組込みシステム
担当科目(学部) 基礎電子回路、アナログ電子回路、ディジタル電子回路、回路設計実習、基礎ゼミ1、基礎ゼミ2、電気電子工学実験、卒業研究ゼミナール、エレクトロニクス・情報通信実験
担当科目(大学院) 集積システム設計特論、エレクトロニクス系工学
主な研究テーマ 集積システム設計手法の研究
代表的な研究業績 (1) Koichi Mitsunari, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, "Decomposed Vector Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Efficient Hardware Implementation," IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E101-A, No. 11, pp. 1766-1775 (Nov. 2018)
(2) Yuuka Hirao, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, " Deformable Part Model based Arrhythmia Detection using Time Domain Features," IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A, No. 11, pp. 2221-2229, (Nov., 2017)
(3) Tomoki Sugiura, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, Yoshinori Takeuchi, "A Low-Energy Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor towards a Low-Computational Lossless Compression Method for Stimuli Position Data of Artificial Vision Systems," Journal of Information Processing, Vol 25, pp. 210-210, (Feb., 2017)
researchmap https://researchmap.jp/read0008831
所属学協会 電子情報通信学会
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
学外活動 国際会議 SASIMI(The 24th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies) General Chair
IEEE CASS Kansai Chapter Chair
出身大学 東京工業大学
出身大学院 東京工業大学
論文名、取得大学、取得年月 Space Partitioning Parallel Image Signal Processing on Multiprocessor System、東京工業大学、1992年3月
主な経歴 東京農工大学助手(1992年)、大阪大学講師(1996年)、大阪大学助教授(1999年)、大阪大学准教授(2007年)、近畿大学教授(2018年)
学生へのアドバイス 何事も途中であきらめないで、最後までやり通す
学生に薦めたい書物 坂の上の雲、司馬遼太郎、文春文庫


教員室 31号館3F
メールアドレス takeuchi(at)ele.kindai.ac.jp
  • 迷惑メールを避けるため(at)を使用しております。メールする場合は@に書き換えてください。


array(86) { ["professor_id"]=> string(3) "790" ["site"]=> string(3) "sci" ["html"]=> string(21) "07_takeuchi_yoshinori" ["login_id"]=> string(25) "takeuchi@ele.kindai.ac.jp" ["login_pw"]=> string(64) "457e4b1f539eec60e76558342a977cf95e9e35fe97d11116fc33d2eb7e3067b2" ["name"]=> string(15) "武内 良典" ["name_en"]=> string(18) "TAKEUCHI Yoshinori" ["name_kana"]=> string(27) "たけうち よしのり" ["jobtype"]=> string(1) "1" ["degree"]=> string(18) "博士(工学)" ["degree_en"]=> string(5) "Ph.D." ["department"]=> string(62) "department_electrical_electronic_and_communication_engineering" ["department_txt"]=> string(0) "" ["department_txt_en"]=> string(0) "" ["major1"]=> string(38) "graduate_school_electronic_engineering" ["major2"]=> string(0) "" ["category1"]=> string(56) "research_electric_information_and_mechanical_engineering" ["class1"]=> string(58) "research_electric_information_and_mechanical_engineering03" ["category2"]=> string(56) "research_electric_information_and_mechanical_engineering" ["class2"]=> string(58) "research_electric_information_and_mechanical_engineering08" ["category3"]=> string(56) "research_electric_information_and_mechanical_engineering" ["class3"]=> string(58) "research_electric_information_and_mechanical_engineering04" ["specialty"]=> string(48) "集積システム設計、組込みシステム" ["specialty_en"]=> string(42) "Integrated System Design, Embedded Systems" ["subject"]=> string(233) "基礎電子回路、アナログ電子回路、ディジタル電子回路、回路設計実習、基礎ゼミ1、基礎ゼミ2、電気電子工学実験、卒業研究ゼミナール、エレクトロニクス・情報通信実験" ["subject_en"]=> string(422) "Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits,, Analog Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronic Circuits, Digital Circuit Design Training using VHDL:Exercise of Computer Aided Design, Synthetic Seminar 1, Synthetic Seminar 2, Experiments for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Seminar for Bachelor Thesis、Experiments for Electronics, Information & Communication" ["subject_graduate"]=> string(119) "集積システム設計特論、エレクトロニクス系工学 特別研究、集積システム設計特殊研究" ["subject_graduate_en"]=> string(0) "" ["research_theme"]=> string(86) "集積システム設計手法の研究 組込みシステム設計 VLSI設計手法" ["research_theme_en"]=> string(73) "Integrated System Design Embedded System Design VLSI Design Methodology" ["research_record"]=> string(1040) "(1)&nbsp;Koichi Mitsunari, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, &quot;Decomposed Vector Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Efficient Hardware Implementation,&quot; IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E101-A, No. 11, pp. 1766-1775 (Nov. 2018)<br /> <br /> (2) Yuuka Hirao, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, &quot; Deformable Part Model based Arrhythmia Detection using Time Domain Features,&quot; IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A, No. 11, pp. 2221-2229, (Nov., 2017)<br /> <br /> (3) Tomoki Sugiura, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, Yoshinori Takeuchi, &quot;A Low-Energy Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor towards a Low-Computational Lossless Compression Method for Stimuli Position Data of Artificial Vision Systems,&quot; Journal of Information Processing, Vol 25, pp. 210-210, (Feb., 2017)<br /> <br /> &nbsp;" ["research_record_en"]=> string(1002) "(1)&nbsp;Koichi Mitsunari, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, &quot;Decomposed Vector Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Efficient Hardware Implementation,&quot; IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E101-A, No. 11, pp. 1766-1775 (Nov. 2018)<br /> <br /> (2) Yuuka Hirao, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, &quot; Deformable Part Model based Arrhythmia Detection using Time Domain Features,&quot; IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A, No. 11, pp. 2221-2229, (Nov., 2017)<br /> <br /> (3) Tomoki Sugiura, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, Yoshinori Takeuchi, &quot;A Low-Energy Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor towards a Low-Computational Lossless Compression Method for Stimuli Position Data of Artificial Vision Systems,&quot; Journal of Information Processing, Vol 25, pp. 210-210, (Feb., 2017)" ["research_results"]=> string(0) "" ["research_results_en"]=> string(0) "" ["researchmap"]=> string(34) "https://researchmap.jp/read0008831" ["researchoverview"]=> string(0) "" ["academic_society"]=> string(163) "電子情報通信学会 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 情報処理学会 電気学会 ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)" ["academic_society_en"]=> string(27) "IEICE IEEE IPSJ IEE ACM" ["activities"]=> string(154) "国際会議 SASIMI(The 24th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies) General Chair IEEE CASS Kansai Chapter Chair" ["activities_en"]=> string(144) "SASIMI WS(The 24th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies) General Chair IEEE CASS Kansai Chapter Chair" ["university"]=> string(18) "東京工業大学" ["university_en"]=> string(29) "Tokyo Institute of Technology" ["graduate_school"]=> string(18) "東京工業大学" ["graduate_school_en"]=> string(29) "Tokyo Institute of Technology" ["monograph"]=> string(111) "Space Partitioning Parallel Image Signal Processing on Multiprocessor System、東京工業大学、1992年3月" ["monograph_en"]=> string(121) "Space Partitioning Parallel Image Signal Processing on Multiprocessor System、Tokyo Institute of Technology、Mar. 1992." ["career"]=> string(179) "東京農工大学助手(1992年)、大阪大学講師(1996年)、大阪大学助教授(1999年)、大阪大学准教授(2007年)、近畿大学教授(2018年)" ["career_en"]=> string(195) "Research Associate at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 1992 Lecturer at Osaka University, 1996 Associate Professor at Osaka University, 1999 Professor at Kindai Univeristy, 2018" ["advise"]=> string(66) "何事も途中であきらめないで、最後までやり通す" ["advise_en"]=> string(54) "Don't throw away anything in the middle of doing!" ["recommend"]=> string(134) "坂の上の雲、司馬遼太郎、文春文庫 菜の花の沖、司馬遼太郎、文春文庫 論理回路、オーム社、2016" ["recommend_en"]=> string(0) "" ["hobby"]=> string(0) "" ["hobby_en"]=> string(0) "" ["awards"]=> string(0) "" ["awards_en"]=> string(0) "" ["group_name"]=> string(39) "集積システム設計工学研究室" ["group_name_en"]=> string(35) "Integrated System Design Laboratory" ["teacher_room"]=> string(10) "31号館3F" ["teacher_room_en"]=> string(23) "3rd floof of Buiding 31" ["extension_no"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(25) "takeuchi@ele.kindai.ac.jp" ["url1"]=> string(0) "" ["url1_en"]=> string(0) "" ["url2"]=> string(0) "" ["url2_en"]=> string(0) "" ["list_title"]=> string(54) "集積システム設計および設計手法の研究" ["list_title_en"]=> string(46) "Integrated System Design and Design Methdology" ["list_detail"]=> string(409) "集積システムはVLSIの活用が不可欠であり、目的に応じて、低消費電力、低エネルギー、高信頼性、高性能などの設計目標を設定し、最適化する必要性があります。本研究室では、組込み集積システムを設計するためのメソドロジーの研究とその手法を活用した実際の組込みシステム設計を行っています。" ["list_detail_en"]=> string(289) "VLSI is a key technology to design integrated systems. In designing integrated systems, we should optimize many metrics such as low power, low energy, high robustness and high performance. This laboratory conducts research concerning integrated system design methodology and design itself." ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["caption_en"]=> string(0) "" ["html_keywords1"]=> string(0) "" ["html_keywords2"]=> string(0) "" ["html_keywords3"]=> string(0) "" ["html_keywords1_en"]=> string(0) "" ["html_keywords2_en"]=> string(0) "" ["html_keywords3_en"]=> string(0) "" ["sci_display_flag"]=> NULL ["metric"]=> string(1) "0" ["laboratory"]=> NULL ["edited_at"]=> string(19) "2024-06-05 14:44:26" ["created_at"]=> string(19) "2024-04-01 00:10:25" ["updated_at"]=> string(19) "2024-06-05 14:44:26" ["pic"]=> string(51) "/data/sci_info/images/pic_07_takeuchi_yoshinori.jpg" ["pdf"]=> string(48) "/data/sci_info/pdf/pdf_07_takeuchi_yoshinori.pdf" }