

  • 在学生向け


【申込期間】 2021年1月18日(月) ~ 1月31日(日)まで
【実施期間】 2021年2月15日(月) ~ 3月13日(土)まで
【開講回数】 12回(週3回 × 4週間)

2020年度 オンライン外国語集中コースチラシ.png


グローバルエデュケーションセンター(GEC) 3階



① Speaking(Beginner to pre-intermediate)
② Speaking(Intermediate)
③ Speaking(Advanced)
④ Speaking(Super Advanced)
⑤ TOEIC® L&R Intermediate
⑥ TOEIC® L&R Advanced
⑧ German in Action
⑨ 楽しいスペイン語会話

① Speaking(Beginner to pre-intermediate)

Hello everyone, my name is Shane Leech and I'm from Vancouver in Canada. I thought I would give you some information about my Spring Intensive Course for Beginner to Pre- Intermediate level English learners. We will be having three 90 minutes class a week for four weeks. This is a total of 12 classes, so I am planning on using a practical English conversation textbook as a base for the lessons. I will be doing other activities as well, so you will have lots of chances to speak and interact with other students as well as with your teacher. So please join my class and let's have fun learning English from home on Zoom during these COVID-19 times. This will give you a head start on your English learning for the upcoming new school year.

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 月曜4限/水曜4限/金曜4限
対象者 ~TOEIC® 400
教材 [ISBN]9784865390339『Out Front (6th edition)』(English Education Press)

② Speaking(Intermediate)

This online discussion course will focus on different topics each week to discuss in class. Depending on the size of the class, we will only have group discussion, or if we have a larger class, we will also break off into pairs/smaller groups for Breakout Room discussions. The goals of the class include: develop skills to ask and share opinion, discuss interesting topics in English to strengthen fluency in general and competency for specific topics and to also develop confidence. Additionally, because of the large amount of conversation time, this course aims to create a space where students can develop new friends that they can talk with about interesting topics. If you join this class, please be ready and willing to share opinions and learn the opinions of your fellow students. While the class will focus primarily on discussion topics, some new grammar will be introduced to do this along with topic specific vocabulary. Topics will include: movies, hobbies, sports, music, routines, environment (where you live), technology, exercise, health, current events and so on. I will also check-in with students on the first day of class to learn what other topics they would like to discuss and incorporate that into the schedule.

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 月曜2限/水曜2限/金曜2限
対象者 TOEIC® 400-600
教材 なし

③ Speaking(Advanced)

If you are eager to brush up on and improve your English, I am happy to welcome you to participate in a special GEC English conversation course during Spring Holiday. This course will take place in a relaxed environment and give you the opportunity to work on an array of areas related to your English:
● review basics (e.g. greeting/parting)
● practice small talk skills
● increase your confidence
● think and use English to express your opinion
● learn simple presentation techniques
● brainstorm in English
● make a short speech
● partake in enjoyable, educational games
● join discussions on Movies, TV, Sports, Books, Shopping, Money,
  Cooking, Restaurants, Goals, Food, Work, Music, and Sleep

  I look forward to an enjoyable fun class that will develop your English communication skills!

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 火曜3限/木曜3限/金曜5限
対象者 TOEIC® 600 +
教材 なし

④ Speaking(Super Advanced)

This advanced speaking course consists of twelve classes, we will use materials from and do activities on Google Classroom, Zoom and Flipgrid. We will not be using a text-book. The course will aim to help students to perform various tasks in English, for example, talking about an experience, telling a short story or a joke, as well as politely expressing opinions as well as other things we do in English. It is about doing things in English. While we learn to do these things we will also be looking at points of grammar and vocabulary. However, when we do this we won't be learning rules, but we will be focusing on the differing meanings expressed by using different words and grammar structures.
While this is an advanced course, enthusiasm for, and enjoying speaking in English and actively participating in class are as important, or maybe even more important, than just your test score. Come along! Relax! Don't be scared of making mistakes! Enjoy speaking English together!

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 火曜5限/水曜5限/木曜5限
対象者 留学経験者等
教材 なし

⑤ TOEIC® L&R Intermediate

この講座は、TOEIC®総合スコア600点以上を目標として、中級レベルを突破するためのスキルアップを試みる。リスニングセクションでは、語と語が連なった際の聞こえ方に慣れること、また、各アクセントでの聞こえ方の違いに慣れることを目標とする。リーディングセクションでは、Part5, 6の問題を素早く解くための文法事項、得点アップを補助する語彙の解説を行う。また、Part7の長文読解では、より早く正確に問題を解く技術を磨く。本講座では、特に文法項目や語彙に関して、仕組みや理由を理解し、TOEIC®でのスコアアップはもちろん、その後の様々な場面でも応用できる能力を身につけることも目標とする。

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 月曜2限/火曜2限/木曜2限
対象者 目標600点以上
教材 なし

⑥ TOEIC® L&R Advanced

本講座では、TOEIC® Listening & Reading Testの全パート1-7対策に短期集中的に取り組み、高得点(800点以上)の取得を目指します。迅速かつ正確に問題を解くためのポイントを各パート別におさえながら、頻出となる語彙・表現を学習することで、リスニング/リーディング能力各々を総合的かつ効果的に高めます。難易度の高い問題への対応力を身につけるために本講座は問題演習が中心となります。特に、上級者の不正解を誘う問題には共通のパターンがあるため、「難問」とされる数種類の出題パターンを学び、実践での効果を上げます。

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 水曜4限/金曜4限/土曜4限
対象者 目標800点以上
教材 なし



開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 火曜2限/水曜2限/木曜4限
対象者 交換・派遣留学希望者
教材 [ISBN]9784523265474 『はじめてのIELTS(改訂3版)』(南雲堂)

⑧ German in Action

1. 流暢で文法的に正しいドイツ語を用いてのコミュニケーションのための基盤を得ること、また、すでに習ったドイツ語の知識をより深めること。
2. ドイツ語圏での日常生活がどうなっているかの情報を得ること。

開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 火曜2限/水曜2限/木曜2限
対象者 経験者および未経験者
教材 なし(補完的に、テーマに合わせたテキスト資料を使用)

⑨ 楽しいスペイン語会話


開講回数 12回(週3回 × 4週間)
曜日・時限 月曜3限/水曜3限/金曜3限
対象者 経験者および未経験者
教材 なし