

Faculty Department of Law / Graduate School of Law

Education and Career


  • - 2004 , Waseda University, Graduate School of Political Science,

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Politics

Research Interests

住宅政策, 都市政策, 行政学, City Planning

Published Papers

  1. Construction of a Framework for Townscape Community Planning
    Uesaki Hajime
    Annals of the Japan Association of Regional Policy Scientists  (22)  , 22-29, Mar. 2019 
  2. Practice of Peer Assessment on Portfolio in the Large-scale Class
    上崎 哉
    日本教育工学会研究報告集  14  (4)  , 23-28, 11, Oct. 2014 
  3. On the Osaka Metropolitan Plan
    上崎 哉
    近畿大学法学  60  (2)  , 142-94, Dec. 2012 


Books etc

  1. 新版 行政学の基礎 , 風間 規男; 岡本 三彦; 中沼 丈晃; 上﨑 哉; 風間 規男 , 一藝社 , 4, Sep. 2018
  2. ダイバーシティ時代の行政学:多様化社会における政策・制度研究 , 縣 公一郎; 藤井 浩司; 風間 規男; 松田 憲忠; 西岡 晋; 橋本 将志; 堀田 学; 松岡 清志; 寺迫 剛; 大藪 俊志; 宇野 二朗; 大谷 基道; 久保木 匡介; 廣川 嘉裕; 武藤 桂一; 飯塚 俊太郎; 上﨑 哉; 久邇 良子; 縣 公一郎; 藤井 浩司 , 早稲田大学出版部 , 10, Oct. 2016
  3. 行政学の基礎 , 風間 規男; 岡本 三彦; 中沼 丈晃; 上崎 哉 , 一藝社 , 2007


  1. 最新判例批評(18)改良住宅の入居者が死亡した場合の使用権の承継について定めた京都市市営住宅条例二四条一項は、住宅地区改良法二九条一項、公営住宅法四八条に違反し違法、無効であるとはいえない[最高裁平29.12.21判決] (判例評論(第725号)) , 上﨑 哉 , 判例時報 , 2405 , 137 , 141 , 1, Jul. 2019
  2. Relations between Living Conditions of Students and School Achievement , Hajime Uesaki , Kyoto University researches in higher education , 18 , 25 , 40 , 1, Dec. 2012
    Summary:This article deals with a complete survey of student life among students belonging to the faculty of law of a privateuniversity. Originally we carried out this survey to understand more deeply the students' wishes for the class, by learningmore about the students' lives. But this survey has three additional purposes.1. To clarify the ability of the faculty to provide to the staff the information needed to instruct the students. By clarifyingthe students' impressions of the faculty, and their attitudes to studies and extracurricular activities, we would gain moreaccurate images of the students.2. To implement organized improvement of the faculty by knowing the students' evaluation of the faculty as soon aspossible.3. To clarify the factors that raise the abilities of students or discourage them, so that we can construct materials forstudents' self-reflection. To accomplish this purpose, we integrated the data about student life and the data about schoolachievement.
  3. A Trial of the Class Improvement by the Real-time Questionnaire , UESAKI Hajime; KANDA Hiroshi; HAYASHI Makiko , Research report of JSET Conferences , 2010 , 5 , 17 , 22 , 18, Dec. 2010


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 都市再生政策の研究
  2. 日本住宅公団の設立過程
  3. 日本のまちづくり