
TSUCHIYA Takatsugu

TSUCHIYA Takatsugu
Professor/Vice President
Faculty Department of Law / Graduate School of Law

Education and Career


  • 1984/04 - 1988/03 , Kindai University, Faculty of Law,
  • 1992/04 - 1995/03 , Kindai University, Graduate School of Law,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2014 - Today , Kindai University The Research Institute of Human Right (兼任)教授
  • Apr. 2009 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Law, Department of Law 教授
  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2009 , Kindai University Faculty of Law, Department of Law and Policy 准教授
  • Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2006 , Kindai University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science 助教授(教養・基礎教育部門)
  • Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2002 , Kindai University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science 専任講師(教養・基礎教育部門)
  • Jan. 1996 - Mar. 1999 , Kindai University Correspondence Education 非常勤講師

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Public law

Research Interests

国政調査権, 条約承認権, 弾劾制度, アメリカ議会, Comstitutional Law

Published Papers

  1. The Legal Significance of the Tenth Judicial Impeachment Trial
    TSUCHIYA Takatsugu
    ジュリスト  (1601)  , 62-67, Aug. 2024 
  2. A Study of Case Law Regarding The Waiver of State Sovereign Immunity Under The “Plan of The Constitutional Convention": From Chisholm Case(1793) Until Torres Case(2022)
    TSUCHIYA Takatsugu
    Kindai University Law Review  71  (1・2合併号)  , 1-104, 15, Sep. 2023 
  3. Note : Congressional Standing in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit -An Analysis of the Four Decisions to the Trump Administration Cases-
    TSUCHIYA Takastugu
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku: Kindai University Law Review  70  (1)  , 225-299, 30, Jun. 2022 


Books etc

  1. 判例で学ぶ日本国憲法〔第三版〕 , 土屋孝次 , 有信堂高文社 , 19, Apr. 2024
  2. リーガルマインド入門【第2版】 , 土屋 孝次 , 有信堂高文社 , Oct. 2019
  3. リーガル・マインド入門 , 土屋 孝次 , 有信堂高文社 , Apr. 2013


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Case Review:Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP, 591 U.S.___,140 S. Ct. 2019(2020) , TSUCHIYA Takatsugu , 関西アメリカ公法学会(同志社大学) , 7, Nov. 2020
  2. 国際人権法学会第24回研究大会「国際人権判例報告」座長 , 土屋 孝次 , Nov. 2012
  3. U.S.Congress and the Judicial Discipline System , 土屋 孝次 , TT600109 , Sep. 2008



  1. CASE NOTE:Sendai High Court Judge Impeachment Case(Judge Impeachment Court,3 Apr.2024) , TSUCHIYA Takatsugu , 法学セミナー増刊速報判例解説 , 35 , 21 , 24 , Oct. 2024
  2. CASE NOTE:Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP, 591 U.S.___,140 S. Ct. 2019(2020) , TSUCHIYA Takatsugu , Kindai University Law Review , 68 , 4 , 95 , 130 , 31, Mar. 2021
  3. Case Note:State of West Virginia ex rel.Workman v. Carmichael,819 S.E. 251(W.Va.2018) , TSUCHIYA; takatsugu , 近畿大学法学 , 67 , 1・2合併 , 67 , 103 , Nov. 2019


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 近畿大学, 刊行助成金, アメリカ連邦議会と裁判官規律制度の展開
  2. 〔財〕学術振興野村基金, 研究助成金, アメリカにおける裁判官規律制度の展開と課題
  3. 日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 裁判官規律制度の日米比較研究