

Faculty Department of Agricultural Science / Graduate School of Agriculture

Education and Career


  • - 1983 , Osaka Prefecture University, Faculty of Agriculture,
  • - 1983 , Osaka Prefecture University, 農学部,
  • - 1985 , Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School, Division of Horticulture,
  • - 1985 , Osaka Prefecture University, 園芸学研究科,
  • 1994/09 , Osaka Prefecture University, PhD. (Agricultural Science),

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2014 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture 教授
  • Apr. 2006 , Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University Associate Professor
  • 1995 - 2005 , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture 講師
  • 1986 - 1994 , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Plant genetics and breeding
  • Life sciences, Ecology and environmental science
  • Life sciences, Genetics

Research Interests

Ethnobotany, mushroom, ecology, genetics, breeding scienece, Plant Breeding

Published Papers

  1. Development of codominant DNA markers (InDel) for Enokitake mushroom Flammulina velutipes cv. "Hatsuyuki"
    Yamaguchi S; Sakamoto H; Tsukiyama T; Tanesaka E
    Journal of Crop Research  68  , 61-64, Jul. 2023  , Refereed
  2. Evaluation of diamide sensitivity in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Tahara S; Yoshinaka Y; Tanesaka E; Tsukiyama T
    Journal of Crop Research  66  , 7-11, Jun. 2021  , Refereed
  3. Compatibility of three bacterial strains in Agrobacterum-mediated transformation of monokaryotic mycelia of Flammulina velutipes
    Tanesaka E; Mori M; Tsuji K; Tsukiyama T
    J. Crop Res.  63  , 31-33, Nov. 2018  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. ゴマの機能と科学 , 種坂 英次 , 種子の発芽と休眠 , 種子の発芽と休眠 , 朝倉書店 , Jan. 2015
  2. Enzymatic staining for detection of phenol-oxidizing isozymes involved in lignin-degradation by Lentinila edodes , Tanesaka E; Saeki N; Kochi A; Yoshida Y , Gel electrophoresis – Advanced techniques , Gel electrophoresis – Advanced techniques , InTech , Mar. 2012
  3. 浮性雑草ヒエ:その浮性能力と繁殖 , ヒエという植物(薮野友三郎・山口裕文編:全国農村教育協会) , 2001


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. エノキタケ( Flammulina velutipes)の子 実体形成不全株の低温下における子実体形成関連遺伝子の発現 , 平山文華; 清水宏幸; 山口真弥; 種坂英次 , 日本育種学会第 139回講演会 , 19, Mar. 2021
  2. Variation of deviations from equal segregation of cinjugate nuclei in oidia among dikaryotic stocks of Flammulina velutipes , HIrayama A; Tanesaka E. etal , 日本菌学会 第64回大会 , 20, Jun. 2020
  3. Distribution of Arisaema plants in ruins of fortresses uesed in medieval Japan , Eiji Tanesaka , 日本育種学会 第133回講演会 , 26, Mar. 2018



  1. ゴマ,Sesamum indicm,とその近縁野生種,S.mulayanum,における種子休眠性およびその遺伝様式 , 種坂英次; 梅田絵衣子; 山本将之; 増田恭次郎; 山田恭司; 吉田元信 , 育種学研究 , 13 , 165 , 29, Mar. 2011
  2. きのこの育種研究 , 種坂 英次 , . きのこ研だより ニューズレター , 33 , 26 , 30 , Dec. 2010
  3. Production of new varieties with useful properties by crossbreeding of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. , 井上 尚樹; 種坂 英次; 吉田 元信 , Journal of crop research , 54 , 59 , 64 , 2009


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 比較ゲノミクスから探る育種モデル食用菌の生殖成長相転換機構の全容解明 , 近畿大学
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Construction of haploid mutant-panel of Flammulina velutipes as a mondel fungus for edible mushroom breeding , Kindai University
  3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Oversea research on international colonization as weeds in genus Echinochloa , Osaka Prefecture University