
TAKAYA Hisamitsu

TAKAYA Hisamitsu
Lecturer in Medical School
Faculty Department of Medicine

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Genomics
  • Life sciences, Tumor biology
  • Life sciences, Obstetrics and gynecology

Research Interests

婦人科腫瘍, ライフサイエンス, ゲノム解析

Published Papers

  1. 妊孕性温存治療中BRAF融合型神経内分泌癌成分の転移が急速に進行した子宮内膜癌の1例
    加嶋 洋子; 宮川 知保; 高矢 寿光; 坂井 和子; 西尾 和人; 松村 謙臣
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集  61回  , P51-1, Oct. 2023 
  2. Treatment for Locally Resectable Stage IIIC1 Cervical Cancer: A Retrospective, Single-Institution Study
    Yoko Kashima; Kosuke Murakami; Chiho Miyagawa; Hisamitsu Takaya; Yasushi Kotani; Hidekatsu Nakai; Noriomi Matsumura
    Healthcare  11  (5)  , 632-632, Feb. 2023  , Refereed
  3. Histopathological subtyping of high-grade serous ovarian cancer using whole slide imaging
    Chiho Miyagawa; Hidekatsu Nakai; Tomoyuki Otani; Ryusuke Murakami; Shiki Takamura; Hisamitsu Takaya; Kosuke Murakami; Masaki Mandai; Noriomi Matsumura
    Journal of Gynecologic Oncology  34  2023 



  1. 当科で経験した卵巣子宮内膜症性嚢胞関連卵巣癌の3症例と文献的考察 , 城 玲央奈; 村上 幸祐; 甲斐 冴; 高矢 寿光; 中井 英勝; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 , 産婦人科の進歩 , 71 , 3 , 237 , 246 , Aug. 2019
    Summary:<p>A link between endometrial cysts and ovarian cancer has been demonstrated in a few previous studies, and in Japan, this risk is considered in the management of endometriosis, despite the fact that the carcinogenic mechanisms remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between endometrial cysts and the development of ovarian cancer, especially clear cell carcinoma. We analyzed three cases of ovarian clear cell carcinoma arising from endometriosis in Kindai University Hospital alongside 51 cases from previous reports. We found that most patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer were in their 40s, and that cancerous cysts were significantly larger than that of endometrial cysts. Their cancer diagnosis was received at a median of three years after the endometrial cyst diagnosis and within a maximum of 10 years. Given the relatively early development of cancer in these patients, the hypothesis that environmental factors such as oxidative stress on iron inside endometriosis could be a cause of ovarian carcinogenesis seems unlikely. Further research is needed to determine the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer, and a new management policy concerning endometrial cysts should be established. [Adv Obstet Gynecol, 71(3) : 237-246, 2019 (R1.8) ]</p>
  2. ランダム化比較試験におけるバーチャルリアリティシミュレーターを用いた医学教育実習の有用性の検討 , 小谷 泰史; 藤島 理沙; 城 玲央奈; 青木 稚人; 葉 宜慧; 村上 幸祐; 貫戸 明子; 高矢 寿光; 中井 英勝; 鈴木 彩子; 松村 謙臣 , 医学教育 , 50 , Suppl. , 170 , 170 , Jul. 2019
  3. SPIO-MRIと鉄染色は、子宮頸癌・体癌のセンチネルリンパ節同定およびリンパ節転移診断に有用である , 村上 幸祐; 鈴木 彩子; 佐藤 華子; 城 玲央奈; 大須賀 拓真; 甲斐 冴; 藤島 理沙; 青木 稚人; 葉 宜慧; 貫戸 明子; 高矢 寿光; 小谷 泰史; 中井 英勝; 辻 勲; 松村 謙臣 , 日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌 , 37 , 3 , 457 , 457 , Jun. 2019


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 卵巣高異型度漿液性癌のシングルセルHRDの解析と腫瘍内不均一性の解明 , 近畿大学
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Investigation of the mechanism of development and preventive method for endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer , Kindai University
  3. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 卵巣癌における腫瘍内不均一性の解析に基づく新規治療法の開発