
OHNUMA Takayuki

OHNUMA Takayuki
Faculty Department of Advanced Bioscience / Graduate School of Agriculture / Agricultural Technology and Innovation Research Institute

Education and Career


  • - 1997/03 , Meijo University, Faculty of Agriculture,
  • - 1999/03 , Meijo University, Graduate School of Agriculture,
  • - 2002/03 , Kyushu University, 大学院 生物資源環境科学研究科,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2021 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Advanced Bioscience 教授
  • 2015 - 2021 , Kinki University 農学部 バイオサイエンス学科 准教授
  • 2012 - 2015 , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture 講師
  • 2008 - 2012 , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture 助教
  • 2006 - 2008 , National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences 植物・微生物間相互作用研究ユニット 特別研究員
  • 2003 - 2006 , University of California, Berkeley/USDA Department of Plant and Microbial Biology/Plant Gene Expression Center 博士研究員
  • 2002 - 2003 , イリノイ大学アーバナ-シャンペーン校 獣医学部 博士研究員

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Applied biochemistry

Research Interests

キチン質分解酵素, 植物ー微生物間相互作用, 生体分子間相互作用, アレルゲン

Published Papers

  1. Synthesis of Oligoglucosamine Analogues Containing the N,N,N-Trimethyl-d-glucosaminyl Unit by Automated Electrochemical Assembly
    Md Azadur RAHMAN; Shuji TAKAHASHI; Norihiko SASAKI; Toshiyuki ITOH; Takayuki OHNUMA; Toshiki NOKAMI
    Electrochemistry  91  (11)  , 112013-112013, 28, Nov. 2023 
  2. Periplasmic chitooligosaccharide-binding protein requires a three-domain organization for substrate translocation.
    Takayuki Ohnuma; Jun Tsujii; Chikara Kataoka; Teruki Yoshimoto; Daijiro Takeshita; Outi Lampela; André H Juffer; Wipa Suginta; Tamo Fukamizo
    Scientific reports  13  (1)  , 20558-20558, 23, Nov. 2023 
  3. The first report of enzymatic transglycosylation catalyzed by family GH84 N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase using a sugar oxazoline derivative as a glycosyl donor.
    Tomonari Tanaka; Yoshiaki Habuchi; Rika Okuno; Shota Nishimura; Sotaro Tsuji; Yuji Aso; Takayuki Ohnuma
    Carbohydrate research  523  , 108740-108740, 5, Jan. 2023 


Books etc

  1. Lysozymes: Sources, Functions and Role in Diseas , Shoko Shinya; Takayuki Ohnuma; Ryszard Brzezinski; Romy K. Scheerle; Johanna Grassmann; Thomas Letzel; Tamo Fukamizo , Lysozyme Superfamily: Progress in Functional Analysis using ESI-MS and NMR Spectroscopy , Lysozyme Superfamily: Progress in Functional Analysis using ESI-MS and NMR Spectroscopy , Nova Science Publishers, Inc. , 2013
  2. Marine Medicinal Glycomics , Naoyuki Umemoto; Takayuki Ohnuma; Tamo Fukamizo , Enzymatic Synthesis of Chitin Oligosaccharides with Longer Chains , Enzymatic Synthesis of Chitin Oligosaccharides with Longer Chains , Nova Science Publishers, Inc. , 2013
  3. Functional Glyco-Materials:Their Development and Application to Foods II , 大沼貴之; 深溝慶 , 糖質とタンパク質の相互作用解析 , 糖質とタンパク質の相互作用解析 , シーエムシー出版 , 2013



  1. Applications of Streptomyces Enzymes in Food Industry , 白坂 直輝; 原園 幸一; 中東 良太; 大沼 貴之 , 応用糖質科学 = Bulletin of applied glycoscience : 日本応用糖質科学会誌 , 10 , 1 , 42 , 48 , 2020
  2. 糖質加水分解酵素の機能改変による新規糖鎖合成法の開発 , 大沼貴之; 田中知成; 深溝慶 , バイオサイエンスとインダストリー , 77 , 4 , 312‐313 , 10, Jul. 2019
  3. キチン質分解酵素の構造と機能および糖鎖合成への応用 , 大沼貴之 , キチン・キトサン研究 , 24 , 1 , 38 , 44 , Apr. 2018


Awards & Honors

  1. Sep. 2019, The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience, Technology Development Award
  2. Aug. 2017, 日本キチン・キトサン学会, 奨励賞
  3. Sep. 2015, Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience, prize for encouragement

Research Grants & Projects

  1. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 大腸菌特有の EvgS センサー活性化制御機構の解析 , 近畿大学
  2. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 新規酵素によるいもち病菌の植物免疫回避とイネのカウンター防御の分子機構の解明 , 近畿大学
  3. 日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), イネXIPによる病原菌抵抗機構の分子基盤の解明