

Faculty Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Education and Career


  • Tokushima Bunri University, Graduate School, Division of Home Economics,
  • - 2000 , Tokushima Bunri University, 家政学研究科,

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Home economics, lifestyle science
  • Life sciences, Nutrition and health science

Research Interests

栄養教育論, 遠隔栄養教育, 個別栄養教育, 食習慣, 糖尿病予防教室, ジュニアラグビー選手, スポーツ栄養学, ヒトエグサ, 糖尿病, 骨粗鬆症

Published Papers

  1. Effect of a Six-month Program of Chering Each Bite of Food 30 Times on the Body among Adults
    Naoko Ogawa; Akane Fukuura
    日本食育学会誌  17  (4)  , 171-177, Oct. 2023  , Refereed
  2. コロナ禍における対面教育と遠隔教育による栄養教育効果の違い~小中学生ラグビー選手を対象として~
    小川直子; 横山和也; 池添純子; 犬伏知子
    日本食育学会誌  17  (1)  , 31-42, Jan. 2023  , Refereed
  3. Effects of continuous intake of Monostroma nitidum on anthropometric index and clinical test results in healthy individuals: A randomized comparison study
    Naoko Ogawa; Tomoko Inubushi
    日本食生活学会誌  32  (4)  , 197-205, Mar. 2022  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. 栄養教育論実習・演習 , 逸見幾代; 下岡里英; 水津久美子; 野津あきこ; 牧野みゆき; 荒木裕子; 石見百江; 小川直子; 坂本達昭; 高木尚紘; 土海一美; 平田なつひ , 栄養教育プログラムの作成、栄養教育の実践 , 栄養教育プログラムの作成、栄養教育の実践 , ドメス出版 , Apr. 2017
  2. PDCAに基づく給食経営管理実習 , 化学同人 , 2009

Conference Activities & Talks

  1. オペラント条件付けの正の強化子による高齢者の歩数強化が食意識と体格に及ぼす影響 , 小川直子 , 第68回日本栄養改善学会学術総会 , Oct. 2021
  2. アオサノリ(ヒトエグサ)の摂取が体格指標、臨床検査値に及ぼす影響 , 小川直子 , 弟8回日本食育学会 , May. 2020
  3. アオサノリ(ヒトエグサ)の摂取が体格指標、臨床検査値に及ぼす影響 , 小川直子 , 第66回日本栄養改善学会学術総会 , Sep. 2019



  1. Participation of milk in the prevention of bone collagen degradation , Katunuma N.; Inubushi T.; Takahashi M.; Ogawa N. , Technical bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University , 75 , 75 , 189 , 194 , 2008
    Summary:The protection effects of collagenolytic bone resorption by milk components, such as, lactoferrin, β-casein, cystatin C and (3-lacto-globulin are reviewed in this paper. These four components inhibited strongly the collagenolytic cathepsins-K and L, because we found that the lactoferrin belongs to the cystatin family. Practically, the 100times diluted cow milk inhibited cathepsins-K and L completely. Furthermore, the colostrum inhibited cathepsin L completely by the 250 times diluted milk. The osteoclastic pit formation was inhibited by 1O5M of lactoferrin or the 25 times diluted cow milk. Lactoferrin also showed bacteria-static action due to the inhibition of cathepsins L and K in bacteria. Lactoferrin inhibited the growth of St.epidermidis by 5×10^<-4>. Therefore, the lactoferrin shows not only that it helps to prevent bone collagen degradation, but also the antiseptic action of milk. The emulsion type of lactoferrin in milk was easy to absorb from the small intestine via the lymph-pathway, which was demonstrated using the everted-suck method of the small intestine of rats in vitro. As a result, peroral administrated lactoferrin in milk was effectively absorbed into the blood and plays an important role in the protection of bone resorption.
  2. マウスのビタミンB6欠乏及び回復早期における肝の組織化学的変化-糖代謝を中心に- , 岸野 泰雄; 小川 直子; 松下 純子 , 必須アミノ酸研究 , 166 , 18 , 22 , 2003
  3. マウスの鼻アレルギー発症にともなうIgAの組織化学的変化-摂取タンパク質量の影響- , 岸野 泰雄; 松下 純子; 上江洲 香代子 , 必須アミノ酸研究 , 164 , 47 , 51 , 2002


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 生理活性物質を基盤とした糖尿病予備軍の早期検出とテーラーメイド運動・栄養指導法による発症予防
  2. 食品中のコラーゲン分解性カテプシン群に対するインヒビターの分離・同定
  3. Inhibitor of collagenolytic cathepsins in food