

Professor/Assistant General Manager
Faculty Department of Law / Graduate School of Law

Education and Career


  • - 1989 , Waseda University, Faculty of Political Economics,
  • - 1989 , Waseda University, School of Political Science and Economics,
  • - 1997 , Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Law,
  • - 1997 , Kyoto University, 法学研究科,

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Politics

Research Interests

選挙運動, 利益集団, 地方政治, 政党組織, 日本政治, 政治学, political science

Published Papers

  1. Japanese Interest Groups in Electoral Process: Their Presence in the Upper House Election
    Niwa Isao
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku: Kindai University Law Review  69  (1/2/3)  , 1-23, Dec. 2021 
  2. Recent Trends of the Size of Japanese Local Assemblies
    Niwa Isao
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University  55  (2)  , 65-93, Sep. 2007 
  3. Changing Career-Path of Prefectural Governors
    Niwa Isao
    Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University  55  (1)  , 25-45, Jun. 2007 


Books etc

  1. 二〇二一年衆院選 : コロナ禍での模索と「野党共闘」の限界 , 白鳥, 浩; 丹羽功 他 , 第2章 , 第2章 , 法律文化社 , Sep. 2022
  2. 二〇一四年衆院選「一強多弱」の完成 : 野党はなぜ勝てないのか , 丹羽功 , 第7章 , 第7章 , ミネルヴァ書房 , Jan. 2021
  3. ポリティカル・サイエンス入門 , 丹羽功 , 第6章 , 第6章 , 法律文化社 , Sep. 2020


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Changing Landscape of Japanese Interest Group Politics: Their Presence in the Upper House Election , NIWA Isao , Southern Political Science Association , 7, Jan. 2016


  1. 書評 制度改革と政治的リクルートメント 浅野正彦著『市民社会における制度改革--選挙制度と候補者リクルート』 , 丹羽 功 , レヴァイアサン , 40 , 281 , 283 , 2007
  2. The Studies of Pressure Groups in Postwar Japan (1) , 丹羽 功 , The Journal of Economic Studies, Toyama University , 49 , 2 , 47 , 67 , Nov. 2003
  3. The data of rengo and democratic reform league , Niwa Isao , The Fudai keizai ronshu : the journal of economic studies, Toyama University , 46 , 3 , 821 , 833 , Mar. 2001


Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Electorates' Candidate Orientation of Different Kinds of Elections , Kanazawa University
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, An Equilibrium Analysis on Political Reforms in the Post 1955-Rgime Era : Japanese Politics and its Institutional Changes , Aichi Gakuin University
  3. 現代日本の利益集団政治