- MYOJIN Chiho
- Lecturer
Faculty | Department of Food Science and Nutrition / University Social Responsibility and Support Center |
Researchmap | |
Education and Career
- - 2008/03 , Nara Women's University, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences,
Academic & Professional Experience
- Apr. 2014 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Nutrition 講師
- Sep. 2017 - Aug. 2018 , The University of British Columbia VIsitint Lecturer
- Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2014 , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Nutrition 助教
- Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009 , Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Nutrition 助手
Research Activities
Research Areas
- Life sciences, Nutrition and health science
- Humanities & social sciences, Home economics, lifestyle science
Research Interests
disaster food, elderly people with dementia, スポーツ栄養, 栄養教育, 調理科学
Published Papers
Nutrition education programme changes food intake and baseball performance in high-school students
Yukiko Ueda; Mayuri Sawamoto; Tomomi Kobayashi; Chiho Myojin; Chikae Sakamoto; Naomi Hayami; Hitoshi Watanabe; Nobuko Hongu
HEALTH EDUCATION JOURNAL 80 (4) , 387-400, Jun. 2021 , Refereed -
Longitudinal Study on Relationships among Snack Energy Intake, Body Mass Index, and Nutrient Intake in Japanese Children Aged 6-7 Years
Toshiyuki Kohri; Ayato Shimizu; Taro Suzuki; Kimiko Ryu; Natsuko Iguchi; Chiho Myojin; Masako Kawanishi; Hiroyuki Tomotake
郡 俊之; 清水 彪斗; 鈴木 太朗; 川西 正子; 明神 千穂; 東根 裕子; 山本 真子; 蒲 尚子; 友竹 浩之
日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集 74回 , 298-298, Apr. 2020
Books etc
- マスター食品学 1 , 小関 正道; 安藤 清一; 浦本 裕美; 海老塚 広子; 小嶋 文博; 鬼頭 幸男; 福島 正子; 福田 泰樹; 山崎 貴子; 吉川 秀樹; 岡本 由希; 竹山 恵美子; 舘 和彦; 藤井 建夫; 明神 千穂; 森高 初惠 , 建帛社 , 2016
- 認知症ケアと予防に役立つ料理療法 : やる気と自信を呼びさます , 湯川 夏子; 前田 佐江子; 明神 千穂 , クリエイツかもがわ , 2014
- マスター食品学Ⅱ , 明神 千穂 , 建帛社 , 2012
Conference Activities & Talks
- Usefulness of plastic bag heat-retention cooking of soft dishes for the elderly in disaster situations , Toshiyuki Kohri; Mizuki Kondo; Chiho Myojin; Masako Kawanishi; Mako Yamamoto; Tomotake Hiroyuki , 22nd IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition , Dec. 2022
- Dietary status of high school students, and effects of nutrition education on the status to the students , Masako Kawanishi; Saki Yoshida; Rin-taro Yoshida; Tomoko Ojima; Mikiko Sekiya; Toshiyuki Kohri; Chiho Myojin , 22nd IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition , Dec. 2022
- Relationship between obesity and subjective eating speed in elementary school students , Nozomi Okamoto; Masako Kawanishi; Chiho Myojin; Toshiyuki Kohri , 22nd IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition , Dec. 2022
- 肉団子の塩味感度に対する香辛料の影響 , 郡 俊之; 田中 美緒; 鈴木 太朗; 蒲 尚子; 伊藤 龍生; 明神 千穂; 川西 正子; 松田 邦子; 友竹 浩之 , 日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集 , 73回 , 258 , 258 , Apr. 2019
- 野菜の妙め調理におけるおいしさに関わる要素-たまねぎの場合- , 和田珠子; 安藤真美; 伊藤知子; 久保加織; 小寺真実; 高村仁知; 露口小百合; 中平真由巳; 林淑美; 原知子; 水野千恵; 明神千穂; 村上恵 , 日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集 , 2019 , 2019
- スープにおける香辛料の塩味感度への影響 , 郡俊之; 下村元音; 田中美緒; 合田奈都美; 鈴木太朗; 豊田啓士; 蒲尚子; 伊藤龍生; 明神千穂; 川西正子; 友竹浩之 , 日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集 , 72回 , 243 , 243 , Apr. 2018
Research Grants & Projects
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Nutritional study of the plastic bag heat-retention cooking method for disaster food assistance for people with renal insufficiency , Kindai University
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 自宅における認知症ケアと予防に役立つ料理療法プログラムの開発と効果評価 , Kyoto University of Education
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 「食物の硬さ」が学童期の発育・発達に及ぼす影響を検証するための縦断研究 , 甲南女子大学