

Associate Professor
Faculty Department of Informatics / Graduate School of Science and Engineering / Cyber Informatics Research Institute / DESIGN CREATIVITY LAB

Education and Career


  • - 1995 , The University of Tokushima, Faculty of Engineering,
  • - 1997 , The University of Tokushima, 工学研究科,
  • - 2000 , The University of Tokushima, 工学研究科,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2000 - 2001 , 理化学研究所 協力研究員

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Informatics, Intelligent informatics

Research Interests

自然言語処理, Natural Language Processing

Published Papers

  1. A Stamp Rally System That can Monitor the Progress of Participants
    Jun Yoshioka; Shoji Mizobuchi
    インタラクション論文集2023  , 520-525, 1, Mar. 2023 
  2. Development of a Stamp Rally System That can Monitor the Progress of Participants
    Jun Yoshioka; Shoji Mizobuchi
    情報処理学会第85回全国大会講演論文集  (4)  , 754-755, 16, Feb. 2023 
  3. 教育DX事始め:プログラムとGoogleドライブを活用した理工学部英語習熟度別クラス分けの省力化とICTを活用した授業運営
    照井 雅子; 溝渕 昭二
    近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要(外国語編)  13  (1)  , 93-105, Jul. 2022 


Books etc

  1. 情報リテラシー , 溝渕 昭二; 越智 洋司; 安藤 , Apr. 2005
  2. 情報処理リテラシー基礎 , 越智 洋司; 溝渕 昭二; 安藤一秋 , NTTラーニングシステム , Mar. 2005

Conference Activities & Talks

  1. 仮想スタンプラリーシステムの運動訓練支援への導入 , 溝渕 昭二 , 第1回日本リハビリテーション医学会秋季学術集会 , 28, Oct. 2017
  2. パンフレットに基づいたスタンプラリー動向調査 , 溝渕 昭二 , 観光情報学会第14回全国大会 , 1, Jul. 2017
  3. Investigation of IP Network Construction Learning System for Cooperative Practice using Cloud Computing , 北澤 友基; 井口 信和; 越智 洋司; 溝渕 昭二 , 電子情報通信学会教 育工学研究会 , May. 2012



  1. Implementation of an Air-blowing Function for the Virtual Stamp Rally System Using Exercise Bikes , KIKAWA Syuichi; OTANI Jun; MIZOBUCHI Shoji , IEICE technical report. Life intelligence and office information systems , 113 , 381 , 65 , 68 , 16, Jan. 2014
    Summary:Developing the virtual stamp rally system for improving the utilization of the exercise bike. Virtual stamp rally can be converted into movement in the virtual space of the actual movement. I try to make realism to this system. Research for improvement of realism have been actively. The mainstream is visual sense, auditory sense, and tactile sense. Improves the realism, and provides feedback to the tactile sense. Describe the Air-blowing Function in this paper.
  2. Development of Virtual Stamp Rally System That Promotes Intrinsic Motivation for Use of Exercise Bikes , OTANI Jun; KIKAWA Syuichi; MIZOBUCHI Shoji , IEICE technical report. Life intelligence and office information systems , 113 , 381 , 69 , 74 , 16, Jan. 2014
    Summary:Be placed in sports facilities as an instrument for preventing lifestyle-related diseases often Excercise Bikes. However, it is allowed to continue for a monotonous and difficult exercise due to it. Therefore, in order to continue the movement by the Exercise Bikes, we have developed a Virtual Stamprally System with a mechanism for increasing the intrinsic motivation. The system is a mechanism that can enjoy the stamp rally virtually while a Excercise Bikes. The system employs three methods of garni cation as a mechanism for increasing the intrinsic motivation. When To evaluate the system, if it is not introduced to the case of introducing the system, and measure intrinsic motivation for the use of the tness motorcycle, signi cant differences in intrinsic motivation for use of the Exercise Bikes I was seen. In this paper, we conducted an experiment to users of Exercise Bikes, to evaluate the effect of intrinsic motivation according to the present system.
  3. フィットネスバイクの利用を促進するための仮想スタンプラリーシステムの提案 , 大谷隼; 溝渕昭二 , 第75回全国大会講演論文集 , 2013 , 1 , 899 , 900 , 6, Mar. 2013


Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, NIE Support System for Elementary School Children based on Searching and Reading Web News and Investigative Learning , Kagawa University
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Web-based Reading Support System Assigning Linguistic Information Appropriate for Users , Kinki University
  3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Development of Support Environments to Search and Read Web Newspaper Articles for NIE in Elementary Schools , Kagawa University