
MASUDA Tadayoshi

MASUDA Tadayoshi
Associate Professor
Faculty Department of Agricultural Science / Graduate School of Agriculture

Education and Career


  • 1985/04 - 1989/03 , Kyoto University, Collage of Agriculture,
  • 1995/08 - 1997/01 , Stanford University, Graduate School, Food Research Institute,
  • 1999/08 - 2007/05 , University of Hawaii, Graduate School, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2015 - Today , Kindai University Collage of Agriculture Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015 , Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Research Department Belmont Forum SMARTS2 Japan PI
  • Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2014 , Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Research Department Senior Researcher
  • Aug. 2010 - Mar. 2011 , University of Illinois Department of Agricultural & Consumer Economics Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Oct. 2007 - Jul. 2010 , University of Illinois National Soybean Research Laboratory Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Aug. 2000 - Jul. 2006 , University of Hawaii College of Business Teaching Assistant
  • Feb. 1997 - Aug. 2000 , Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Natual Resource Economics Research Assistant
  • Apr. 1989 - Oct. 1994 , Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. Economic Research Division Research Staff

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences, Agricultural and food economics

Research Interests

Climate-Smart Agriculture, Water resources/-shed Governance, Value Chain, Conservation Agriculture (CA), Agricultural & Food Policy, Agribusiness, Agricultural & Resource Economics

Published Papers

  1. Scaling up Agroecology from Policies to Practices: Emerging Policies and Contradictions in the Global North
    Kae Sekine; Tadayoshi Masuda; Nina Takashino
    Journal of Rural Problems  60  (1)  , 35-40, 25, Mar. 2024 
  2. 特集に寄せて リサイクル社会から循環経済社会へ-日本の地域の底力
    重藤さわ子; 秋津元輝; 増田忠義
    季刊 農業と経済  89  (2)  , 2-3, 31, May. 2023 
  3. Transformation towards Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Communities, and Ecosystems: Reviewing Global Trends and Local Realities Based on Interdisciplinary Approaches: Part 2
    Keshav Lall Maharjan; Tadayoshi Masuda; Kae Sekine
    Journal of Rural Problems  59  (1)  , 29-36, 25, Mar. 2023 


Books etc

  1. Interactive Governance for Sustainable Resource Use and Environmental Management: A Case Study of Yaman ng Lawa Initiative in the Laguna Lake Watershed, Philippines. In Ch.7, Kenji Otsuka Ed. "Interactive Approaches to Water Governance in Asia." , Tadayoshi Masuda , Springer , Jan. 2019
  2. Annual Report FY2015 Belmont Forum International Opportunities Fund Research Project Sustainable Management of Agro-ecological Resources for Tribal Societies 2 SMARTS2 , Tadayoshi Masuda , Mar. 2016
  3. COLLECTION JASID 2014 Annual Meeting SMARTS2 Session Presentation Papers , Tadayoshi Masuda , Mar. 2015


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Positioning and Characteristics of Osaka Agriculture Based on Farmland Accumulation Rate and Agricultural Area Type: An Analysis and Consideration Using Agricultural Census Data , Tomonori Maeda; Tadayoshi Masuda , 第73回地域農林経済学会大会2023 , 28, Oct. 2023
  2. Health Damage Reduction Effect by Reducing Chemical Fertilizers in Rice Cultivation in Japan and China -An Estimate of DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Years)- , Zhang Yujie; Masuda Tadayoshi , 第73回地域農林経済学会大会2023 , 28, Oct. 2023
  3. Measuring Food Security in Japan: Introducing Democracy Indexes of Import Countries for Risk Assessment , Tadayoshi Masuda , The Batsheva de Rothschild Workshop on "Avoiding the coming food security crisis: Novel solutions at the intersection of agriculture, environment and health” , 10, Nov. 2022



  1. 原料価格高騰、供給不安「だったらー」 国産食品“反転攻勢”(共同通信取材記事配信) , 増田 忠義 , 静岡新聞P.5 , 27, Mar. 2022
  2. "夢の農業"へ前進 農水省「実証プロジェクト」アンケート調査から 「収集データ活用の道探れ」(インタビュー記事) , 増田忠義 , 日本農業新聞 2020年1月1日(水) 特集2 7面 , 7 , 7 , Jan. 2020
  3. 堂島商取 コメ先物 本上場申請(コメント記事) , 増田忠義 , 産経新聞 2019年7月17日 朝刊総合2面 , 2 , 2 , Jul. 2019


Awards & Honors

  1. Jun. 2012, International Food & Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), Best Paper Award
  2. Apr. 2003, North American Collages and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), Graduate Student Teaching Award of Merit
  3. May. 2002, Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society of Agriculture


Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Climate-Smart Agriculture in India: Its Dissemination Mechanizm and Path to Sustainable Rural Developmant , Kindai University
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The Study for the Construction of new Soybean Production Business model under Changing Market and Policy Conditions , National Agriculture and Food Research Organization