
MASAKI Hideyuki

MASAKI Hideyuki
Associate Professor
Faculty Department of Biomedical Engineering / Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology

Education and Career


  • - 1985 , Kindai University, Faculty of Medicine,
  • - 1985 , Kinki University, Faculty of Medicine,
  • - 1992 , Kindai University, 大学院医学研究科博士課程,
  • - 1992 , Kinki University, Graduate School, Division of Medicine,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2015 - Today , Kinki University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology Department of Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor
  • 2002 - Mar. 2015 , Kindai University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2002 - Mar. 2015 , Kinki University Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry Lecturer
  • 2001 - 2002 , Kindai University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2001 - 2002 , Kinki University Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry Research Associate
  • 1998 - 2001 , マサチューセッツ大学医学部 博士研究員
  • 1998 - 2001 , University of Massachusetts Diabetes Division Postdoctoral research fellow
  • 1992 - 1998 , Kindai University Faculty of Medicine
  • 1992 - 1998 , Kinki University Faculty of Medicine Department of Microbiology Research Associate

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Immunology
  • Life sciences, Virology

Research Interests

免疫学, ウイルス学, Immunology, Virology

Published Papers

  1. Human monoclonal antibodies against West Nile virus from Japanese encephalitis-vaccinated volunteers.
    Tatsuhiko Ozawa; Hideyuki Masaki; Tomohiko Takasaki; Ikuko Aoyama; Takahiro Yumisashi; Atsushi Yamanaka; Eiji Konishi; Yoh Ohnuki; Atsushi Muraguchi; Hiroyuki Kishi
    Antiviral research  154  , 58-65, Jun. 2018  , Refereed
  2. Establishment and characterization of mouse T-cell clones reactive to rat xeno-antigens activated via the direct or indirect recognition pathway
    Masaki Hideyuki
    Acta Medica Kinki University  38  (2)  , 101-109, Dec. 2013 
  3. Induction of specific and flavivirus-Cross-reactive CTLs by immunization with a single dengue virus-derived CTL epitope peptide
    Hideyuki Masaki; Yoshiki Fujii; Chiaki Wakasa-Morimoto; Tomoko Toyosaki-Maeda; Kiyohiro Irimajiri; Takanori T. Tomura; Ichiro Kurane
    VIRUS RESEARCH  144  (1-2)  , 188-194, Sep. 2009 


Books etc

  1. 国家試験徹底分析 管理栄養士 医学系集中講義, 第13回 感染症 , 正木 秀幸 , 金芳堂 , Dec. 2006

Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Development of an Oral Mucosal Vaccine against Zika Virus using Lactic Acid Bacteria , Junya Kawasaki; Natsuki Nishino; Masanobu Sakaue; Hideyuki Masaki; Hisashi Ashida , 2024 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Tokyo , 26, Mar. 2024
  2. MDシミュレーションを用いたWNVエンベロープ蛋白質部分モデルと中和ヒトモノクロナール抗体との相互作用に関する研究 , 吉川 誠仁; 加藤 龍一; 小澤 龍彦; 正木 秀幸; 宮下 尚之 , 29回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会 , 25, Sep. 2023
  3. 複数のフラビウイルスを中和するモノクローナル抗体の認識機構 , 小林淳; 小澤龍彦; 正木秀幸; 加藤龍一 , 第21回日本蛋白質科学会年会 , 18, Jun. 2021



  1. Establishment of ZIKVE protein - expressing yeast strain for development of oral mucosal vaccine , Sakaguchi Hisatoshi; Tsuji Ayaka; Azuma Yoshinao; Masaki Hideyuki; Kato Nobuhiro , Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering , Annual59 , Abstract , 464 , 464 , 2021
    Summary:Zika virus (ZIKV) is transmitted by Aedes aegypti, and has an aspect of STD pathogen. Its intrauterine infection causes microcephaly. Envelope (E) protein induces protective immunity. The mucosa is the front - line to foreign substances and microorganisms, and a mucosal immune tissue called mucosal - associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) exists. Therefore, immunization onto the gastrointestinal mucosa is expected to induce strong mucosal immunity with the IgA antibody in the mucus even in the reproductive organs. Yeast is a microorganism that exists in human gastrointestinal tract. It is very safe and applicable as a host for the expression of recombinant proteins. Thus, using yeast as a vaccine antigen is promising. Therefore, in this study, we try to establish a yeast strain that expresses ZIKVE protein on the cell surface to use as a mucosal vaccine antigen that induces protective immunity to the genital mucosa by oral immunization.
  2. 複数のエピトープと結合するモノクローナル抗体の認識機構-クラスター状結晶からの構造解析- , 小林淳; 小澤龍彦; 正木秀幸; 加藤龍一 , 日本結晶学会年会講演要旨集 , 2020 (CD-ROM) , 2020
  3. Induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes by immunization with the dengue virus - derived epitope peptides with augmentation of binging affinity to MHC class I molecules , 正木秀幸; 藤井克樹; 入交清博; 戸村隆訓; 倉根一郎 , 近畿大学ライフサイエンス研究所年報 (2005) , 22 , 33 , 40 , Dec. 2006


Awards & Honors

  1. Nov. 2011, 近畿大学医学部同窓会研究奨励賞
  2. Dec. 2010, 近畿大学医学会賞
  3. 1999, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Research Award


Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Optimization for Zika virus oral mucosal vaccine using recombinant saccharomyces and lactobacilli , Kindai University
  2. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, フラビウイルス科の各ウイルスを厳密に区別できるモノクローナル抗体の開発 , 大学共同利用機関法人高エネルギー加速器研究機構
  3. 日本学術振興会, 学術研究助成基金助成金(基盤研究(C)), 組換え乳酸菌・酵母菌を用いたジカウイルス経口粘膜ワクチン開発の基礎的研究