

Faculty Department of Applied Biological Chemistry / Graduate School of Agriculture

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Wood science
  • Life sciences, Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science

Research Interests

Insect Biochemistry, 林産化学, Metabolic Biochemistry, Wood chemistry

Published Papers

  1. Relationship between termite mineral contents and dietary reference intakes
    Shuji Itakura
    Termite Journal  (180)  , 1-8, Jul. 2023  , Refereed
  2. Basic research for utilizing termites as biological resources
    Shuji Itakura
    Jpn. J. Environ. Entomol.  33  (3)  , 117-129, Oct. 2022 
  3. Hydrogen production by Burkholderia bacteria isolated from the intestines of Reticulitermes speratus
    Shuji Itakura
    Termite Journal  (178)  , 24-31, Jul. 2022  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. Biology and management of the Formosan subterranean termite and related species , Gaku Tokuda; Shuji Itakura; Nathan Lo , Physiology of the Formosan subterranean termite, with special reference to wood degradation and metabolism , Physiology of the Formosan subterranean termite, with special reference to wood degradation and metabolism , CAB International , Dec. 2023
  2. Wood Science Series 4 Wood Chemistry , Shuji Itakura , Chapter 9 Biodegradation, Section 2 Biodegradation by Termites , Chapter 9 Biodegradation, Section 2 Biodegradation by Termites , Kaiseisha Press , Mar. 2021
  3. シロアリの事典 , 板倉 修司 , 「シロアリにおけるノルハルマンの役割」「食料としてのシロアリ」 , 「シロアリにおけるノルハルマンの役割」「食料としてのシロアリ」 , 海青社 , Nov. 2012


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. イエシロアリ溶解性多糖モノオキシゲナーゼ(LPMO)遺伝子のクローニングと機能解析 , 濱崎雄翔; 梅澤 究; 板倉修司 , 第35回日本環境動物昆虫学会年次大会 , 25, Nov. 2023
  2. 生物資源としてのシロアリの魅力と活用 , 板倉修司 , JBA”未来へのバイオ技術”勉強会「昆虫利用学~食べる,楽しむ,活用する」 , 13, Jul. 2023
  3. イエシロアリのmicroRNA機能解析 , 戸上泰裕; 梅澤究; 板倉修司 , 第34回日本環境動物昆虫学会年次大会 , 27, Nov. 2022



  1. Hydrogen production by intestinal microorganisms of Reticulitermes speratus , Shuji Itakura , Termite Journal , 176 , 42 , 47 , Jul. 2021
  2. Possible Application of RNA Interference in Termite Control , 板倉 修司 , Termite Journal , 160 , 160 , 7 , 13 , Jul. 2013
  3. アメリカカンザイシロアリのコロニーはbuddingで広がるのか , 板倉修司; 吉村 剛; 森 拓郎; Emiria Chrysanti; 簗瀬佳之; 大村和香子 , 日本木材保存協会第27回年次大会、東京 , May. 2011


Awards & Honors

  1. Nov. 2021, Tge Japanese Society of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, Society Award from The Japanese Society of Environmental Entomology and Zoology
  2. Nov. 2013, The Japan Termite Control Association, Award from The Japan Termite Control Association
  3. 2003, The Japanese Society of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, Progress Award from The Japanese Society of Environmental Entomology and Zoology

Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Functional analysis of termite endogenous LPMO and development of highly efficient cellulose saccharification system , Kindai University
  2. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 木材腐朽菌由来の誘引物質(匂い)に対応するイエシロアリ嗅覚受容体の特定 , 地方独立行政法人東京都立産業技術研究センター
  3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Functional analysis of microRNA in morphological changes of termites and use of breeding insects as cultivation feed , Kindai University