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INAIDA Shinako
Research associate
Faculty Department of Medicine

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)

Published Papers

  1. Reduced norovirus epidemic follows increased sales of hand hygiene products in Japan, 2020–2021
    Shinako Inaida; Atsushi Mizukoshi; Kenich Azuma; Jiro Okumura
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine  28  , 18-18, 2023 
  2. Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in Japan: Trends in prevalence, delay in diagnosis, and frequency of hospital visits
    Shinako Inaida; Kousuke Kanemoto; Shiro Tanaka; Yoko Gouji; Tomohiro Oshima; Riki Matsumoto; Akio Ikeda; Koji Kawakami
    Epilepsy and Seizure  10  (1)  , 73-86, 2018  , Refereed
  3. Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on survival of women with T1N0M0, hormone receptor negative breast cancer
    Nanthini Thevi Bhoo-Pathy; Shinako Inaida; Shiro Tanaka; Nur Aishah Taib; Cheng-Har Yip; Marniza Saad; Koji Kawakami; Nirmala Bhoo-Pathy
    CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY  48  , 56-61, Jun. 2017  , Refereed

Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Estimating cancer risks and future burdens in Japan , Kyoto University