
HOSHI Takehiko

HOSHI Takehiko
Faculty Department of Biotechnological Science / Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology

Education and Career


  • 1979/04 - 1983/03 , Chiba University, Faculty of Horticulture,
  • 1983/04 - 1985/03 , 千葉大学大学院, 園芸学研究科,
  • 1990/04 - 1994/03 , 千葉大学大学院, 自然科学研究科,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 2012 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology 教授
  • Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2012 , Tokai University School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Professor
  • Apr. 1996 - Mar. 2005 , Tokai University School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Associate Professor
  • Apr. 1991 - Mar. 1996 , Tokai University School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Lecturer
  • Jul. 1989 - Mar. 1991 , Tokai University 開発技術研究所 Assistant Professor
  • Apr. 1985 - Jun. 1989 , 財団法人電力中央研究所 生物研究所 研究員

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Informatics, Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Control and systems engineering
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Horticulture
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Agricultural environmental and information engineering

Research Interests

Deep Learning, UECS, agricultural informatics, plant environmental control engineering, 施設園芸, コンピュータ, 植物生産, Ubiquitous Environment Control System, ネットワーク, 規格化, 植物工場, インターネット, ソフトウェア, オブジェクト指向, 自律分散システム, Java, 植物生産ソフトウェア, リレーショナルデータベース, 高度植物生産, SOAP

Published Papers

  1. A DIY Precision Nutrient Management System for Elevated Strawberry Culture Beds Made with Open-source Arduino and a Ubiquitous Environment Control System Platform
    Takehiko Hoshi
    Agricultural Information Research  30  (3)  , 121-130, 1, Oct. 2021  , Refereed
  2. History, Current Situation and Issues of Sensing, Environmental Control and AI Application on Commercial Crop Production in Greenhouses
    Takehiko Hoshi
    The Journal of IEICE  104  (6)  , 526-531, Jun. 2021  , Refereed
  3. Digitally Fabricated Mobile Spectrometer for Multipoint Continuous Spectroscopic Analysis of Light Environment in Greenhouse Tomato Canopies
    Takehiko HOSHI; Kenta UEDA; Yoshihiro TAKIKAWA; Takaya AZUMA
    Environmental Control in Biology  56  (4)  , 149-155, Oct. 2018  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. Protected Horticulture : Introduction to Plant Environmental Engineering (Eiji Goto, ed.) , Takehiko Hoshi , 4.2 Environmental control systems , 4.2 Environmental control systems , Asakura Publishing Co. , Apr. 2022
  2. The latest agricultural technology -ornamental plants- vol.12 , Takehiko Hoshi; Rural Culture Association Japan , Smart greenhouse horticulture by environmental measurement and control , Smart greenhouse horticulture by environmental measurement and control , Rural Culture Association Japan , 20, Mar. 2020
  3. New smart agriculture , HOSHI Takehiko , 第3章スマート化技術の現状と展望 第4章6節施設園芸・植物工場 , 第3章スマート化技術の現状と展望 第4章6節施設園芸・植物工場 , 農林統計出版・農業情報学会編 , May. 2019


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Research and Development for Greenhouse Vegetable Production on Agricultural Informatics and Expectations for Collaborating with Chemical Engineering , Takehiko Hoshi , SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting , 12, Sep. 2023
  2. 農業環境工学における情報工学研究と農業情報学会の使命と今後の展望 , 星 岳彦 , 農業環境工学関連学会2023年合同大会 , 6, Sep. 2023
  3. ユビキタス環境制御システム(UECS)等の活用による施設園芸生産のスマート化 , 星 岳彦 , 中四国アグリテック講演会 農と食の未来を創る , 23, Jun. 2023



  1. Ultrasonic distance sensor experiment! Sensing of Strawberry nutrient absorption , Takehiko Hoshi , Transister Technologies , 59 , 11 , 49 , 52 , Oct. 2022
  2. World of Agricultural Sensing No.38 , Takehiko Hoshi , Interface, CQ Publishing Co. , 48 , 1 , 20 , 22 , Nov. 2021
  3. World of Agricultural Sensing No.37 , Takehiko Hoshi , Interface, CQ Publishing Co. , 47 , 12 , 16 , 18 , Oct. 2021



  1. 室内用水耕栽培装置 , 星 岳 彦, 柴 田, 孝 保, 深 澤, 一 正, 深 澤, 敏 夫, 高 辻 正
  2. 温室の環境制御装置及びその環境制御方法 , 星岳彦, 林泰正 , 特許第4349573号
  3. 温室の環境制御装置及びその環境制御方法 , 星岳彦, 林泰正


Awards & Honors

  1. Apr. 2023, Association of Japanese Ageicultural Scientific Societies, Japan Prize of Agricultural Science
  2. Mar. 2023, 読売新聞社, 読売農学賞
  3. May. 2021, 株式会社新農林社, 新農林社賞


Research Grants & Projects

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Development of a sustainable plant production support system for protected horticulture by acquiring massflow information from environmental control systems , Kindai University
  2. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成金 基盤研究(C), 深層学習による園芸施設環境モニタリングデータからの高次情報の抽出
  3. 農研機構 生物系特定産業技術研究支援センター, 革新的技術開発・緊急展開事業 (うち地域戦略プロジェクト), UECSプラットホームで日本型施設園芸が活きるスマート農業の実現