- Associate Professor
Faculty | Department of Biotechnological Science / Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology |
Researchmap | |
Education and Career
- - 1989 , Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture,
- - 1989 , Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture,
- - 1991 , Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture,
- - 1991 , Kyoto University, 農学研究科,
Academic & Professional Experience
- 2017 - Today , Kindai University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
- 1997 - Today , Kindai University Institute of Advanced Technology
- 2002 - 2016 , Kindai University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
- 1993 - 2002 , Kindai University Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
- 1993 - 2002 , Research Associate,
- 2002 , - Assintant Professor,
- 1991 - 1993 , 株式会社三菱化成(現、三菱ケミカル) 株式会社植物工学研究所勤務
- 1991 - 1993 , Full-time Researcher,
- Kinki University
- Faculty of Biology Oriented Science and Technology,
- Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
- Plantech Research Institute,
Research Activities
Research Areas
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Agricultural environmental and information engineering
- Nanotechnology/Materials, Energy chemistry
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Landscape science
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental agriculture
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Horticulture
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Plant genetics and breeding
- Life sciences, Molecular biology
- Life sciences, Genetics
Research Interests
イネ, 細粒遺伝子, ペリルアルデヒド, 青色LED, 耐冷性, 農業形質, 突然変異誘発遺伝子(mutator), 遺伝子構造解析, 施設園芸, 補光技術, リモネン, ペリラアルデヒド, 成分育種, 青色光補光, 機能性精油成分, 精油胞, 腺鱗, 花成制御, 薬用紫蘇, 粒型
Published Papers
Genetic infiltration from cultivated Japanese wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum (L.) Kuntze) to the closely related native wax tree, 'Yama-haze' (Toxicodendron sylvestre (Siebold et Zucc.) Kuntze) that accompanied the widespread introduction of the Japanese wax industry.
Akira Horibata; Yuuki Teraguchi; Yui Hashimoto; Takashi Tanimoto
Journal of Crop Research 68 , 15-23, 21, Jun. 2023 , Refereed -
Variations between cultivars or mutant-lines in the increased gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents during germination of brown rice, and applicability to GABA-enriched polished rice.
Horibata, A; T. Kato
Journal of crop research (67) , 57-63, 12, Jul. 2022 , Refereed -
A novel allele for an ibcrease in spikelet number par panicle at GNA1 locus of rice
Kato, T; A. Horibata
Journal of crop research (67) , 7-15, 12, Jul. 2022 , Refereed
Books etc
- 量的形質の遺伝子分析 , 植物遺伝育種学実験法,朝倉書店 , 1995
Conference Activities & Talks
- 和歌山を知る-伝統を支える作物 , 堀端 章 , 近畿大学生物理工学部ミニ講義 , 25, Aug. 2024
- きのくにのちから~新しい産業の興隆が自然に及ぼす影響~ , 堀端章 , 近畿大学生物理工学部公開講座 , 20, Jul. 2024
- ソーラーシェアリングの現在地 , 堀端 章 , 太陽エネルギー学会関西支部 , 19, Apr. 2024
- Genetic infiltration into wild japan wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum) or 'Yama-haze' (Toxicodendron sylvestre) caused by the rise of japan wax production , Akira Horibata; Yuuki Teraguchi; Yui Hashimoto; Takashi Tanimoto , 近畿作物・育種研究会第193回例会 要旨集 , 9 , 9 , Dec. 2022
- Search for variations on the occurrence rate and on the size of white core in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains by using mPing taglines , Takeru Hibi; Hiroto Tanaka; Akira Horibata , Breeding Science , 24 , 別冊2 , 167 , 24, Sep. 2022
- Identification of the rice grain size-related genes were first detected by QTL analysis, by next generation sequencing using a quasi-homogeneous gene lines , Hirotaka Suzuki; Akira Horibata , Breeding Science , 24 , 別冊2 , 166 , 24, Sep. 2022
- アイの栽培収穫方法及び栽培収穫装置とアイの栽培収穫装置を配置した植物工場 , 堀端章, 松川哲也, 坂東未来, 加藤俊作
- DNA断片の増幅方法 , 堀端 章
- 極穂重型イネを選別する方法及びキット , 加藤 恒雄, 堀端 章
Research Grants & Projects
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Production method of high GABA polished rice and slection of suitable rice varieties for it. , Kindai University
- 文部科学省, 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C), イネ良登熟型遺伝子の準同質遺伝子系統および新規超極穂重型系統を用いた機能検証
- 一般社団法人 機能性健康米協会, 発芽玄米由来白米における高GABA含有量の遺伝的変異の探索