
HEYA Manabu

HEYA Manabu
Faculty Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Research Activities

Published Papers

  1. Pliable solid medium as a plasma confinement layer for laser peening
    Yang Zhang; Takumi Besshi; Miho Tsuyama; Manabu Heya; Hitoshi Nakano
    Journal of Laser Applications  35  (1)  , 012014-012014, 3, Jan. 2023  , Refereed
  2. Additive manufactured of pure copper by blue diode laser induced selective laser melting
    Keisuke Takenaka; Yuji Sato; Norio Yoshida; Mitunari Yoshitani; Manabu Heya; Masahiro Tsukamoto
    Journal of Laser Applications  34  , 42041-, 4, Nov. 2022  , Refereed
  3. Copper Alloy Layer Formation with Multi Beam Type Laser Coating with Blue Diode Lasers
    佐藤雄二; 森本雄喜; 小野和宏; 竹中啓輔; 鎌田恒好; 部谷学; 塚本雅裕
    電気学会論文誌C  142  (10)  , 1075-1080, Oct. 2022  , Refereed


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, レーザー爆縮コアプラズマにおけるホットスパーク加熱に関する研究 , 大阪大学