

Associate Professor
Faculty Department of Environmental Management / Graduate School of Agriculture

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Biodiversity and systematics
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental effects of chemicals
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental effects of radiation
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Social-ecological systems
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Landscape science
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental agriculture
  • Life sciences, Ecology and environmental science

Research Interests

Ecological Risk Assessment, Environmental Risk Assessment, Biological Invasions, Ecosystem Management, Ecotoxicology, Ecology, Species Interaction, Climate Change / Global warming

Published Papers

  1. Toxicity-related behavior in the invasive Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr in response to fipronil exposure
    Seko Y; Ishiwaka N; Morikawa Y; Hayasaka D
    Entomological News  131  (3)  , 140-145, May. 2024  , Refereed
  2. Effects of root-colonizing fungi on pioneer Pinus thunbergii seedlings in primary successional volcanic mudflow on Kuchinoerabu Island, Japan
    Ishikawa A; Hayasaka D; Nara K
    Mycorrhiza  34  (1-2)  , 57-67, 19, Mar. 2024  , Refereed
  3. Can warming accelerate the decline of Odonata species in experimental paddies due to insecticide fipronil exposure?
    Ishiwaka N; Hashimoto K; Hiraiwa MK; Sánchez-Bayo F; Kadoya T; Hayasaka D
    Environmental Pollution  341  , 122831-, Jan. 2024  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. Physio-ecological activity of Phragmites japonica as a green infrastructure plant , Uchida T; Arase T; Sato Y; Hayasaka D , The GEOMATE International Society , Nov. 2018
  2. Dynamics of exotic grass cover plants on slopes. , Uchida T; Tanaka J; Kondo K; Hayasaka D; Tomoguchi Y; Arase T; Okano T , In Hossain Z, Horpibulsuk S (eds). Geotechnique, Construction Material and Environment. , In Hossain Z, Horpibulsuk S (eds). Geotechnique, Construction Material and Environment. , The GEOMATE International Society , Dec. 2016
  3. Susceptibility of sandy beach flora to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in nothern Tohoku, Japan , Hayasaka D; Yamada K; Uchida T , in Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds). Ecological impacts of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake , in Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds). Ecological impacts of tsunamis on coastal ecosystems: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake , Springer , Nov. 2016



  1. Effects of food physical form (solid or liquid) and quality (carbohydrate or protein) on foraging behavior of Argentine ant. , 青木烈士; 平岩将良; 澤畠拓夫; 早坂大亮 , 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web) , 71st , 2024
  2. Do the nest structure and nesting speed of ants change with the number of their queens? , 青木烈士; 平岩将良; 澤畠拓夫; 早坂大亮 , 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web) , 70th , 2023
  3. 口永良部島におけるキイロホソスネイの記録. , 仲村華人; 葛西 弘; 澤畠拓夫; 早坂大亮 , SAYABANE N.S. , 46 , 68 , 69 , Jun. 2022


Awards & Honors

  1. Mar. 2024, Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会合同大会 ポスター賞
  2. Mar. 2024, Ecological Socisty of Japan, 第71回日本生態学会大会ポスター賞 優秀賞「動物群集/Animal community」分野
  3. Mar. 2024, Ecological Socisty of Japan, 第71回日本生態学会大会ポスター賞 最優秀賞「外来種/Introduced species」分野


Research Grants & Projects

  1. 奈良県, 受託研究, アルゼンチンアリの奈良県における分布および餌資源分布調査事業
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering), 生態系レジリエンスにもとづいた生態毒性評価 , Kindai University
  3. 奈良県, 受託研究, 奈良市に侵入した特定外来生物アルゼンチンアリの分布境界の実態把握調査業務