
AKITA Motomu

AKITA Motomu
Faculty Department of Biotechnological Science / Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology

Education and Career


  • - 1983 , University of Tsukuba,
  • - 1983 , University of Tsukuba, 農林学類,

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2010 , Dept Biotech. Sci., Kinki Univ. professor

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Applied molecular and cellular biology
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Agricultural environmental and information engineering
  • Life sciences, Applied biochemistry

Research Interests

応用植物分子生物学, 植物組織培養, 応用微生物学・応用生物化学, Applied Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Tissue Culture, Applied Microbiochemistry and Applied Biochemistry

Published Papers

  1. Highly Active Peroxidase (Prx34) Derived from Moss, Physcomitrium patens, Is Produced as a Soluble Form in Escherichia coli
    Kenji Ito; Yuki Naka; Kotaro Matsumoto; Motomu Akita
    ACS Food Science & Technology  3  (12)  , 2173-2180, 4, Dec. 2023  , Refereed
  2. Liquid Static Culture Method using High Oxygen Permeable Film
    Kazuya HIGASHI; Kanji ITO; Yuki NAKA; Motomu AKITA
    Shokubutsu Kankyo Kogaku  35  (4)  , 161-164, 21, Jul. 2023  , Refereed
  3. A simple method for making CO2 enriched micro-environment by a fluorinated (FEP) film and its application
    Motomu Akita; Satoki Kurimoto; Yuusuke Kominami
    Memoires of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kindai University  (25)  , 11-16, Mar. 2020  , Refereed


Books etc

  1. 植物バイオテクノロジー, 遺伝子操作 , 秋田 求; 高山真策 , 幸書房 , May. 2009
  2. Practical aspects of bioreactor application in mass propagation (共著) , Liquid Culture Systems for in vitro Plant Propagation, Springer Verlag , 2005
  3. Bioengineering aspects of bioreactor application in plant propagation(共著) , Plant Tissue Culture Engineering. (Focus on Biotechnology, Vol. 6), Springer Verlag , 2005


Conference Activities & Talks

  1. Release condition and function of peroxidase (Prx34) in Physcomitrium patens , Yuki NAKA; Kenji ITO; Yui HAYASHI; Motomu AKITA , IAPB 2023, The 15th International Association For Plant Biotechnology Congress , 8, Aug. 2023
  2. Highly Active, PH- And Heat-Tolerate Peroxidase (Prx34) Derived From Moss, Physcomitrium Patens, Is Produced In Soluble Form In Escherichia Coli , Kenji Ito; Yuki Naka; Kotaro Matsumoto; Motomu Akita , IAPB2023, The 15th International Association For Plant Biotechnology Congress , 8, Aug. 2023
  3. Studies on releasing mechanism of P;from Physcomitrium patens , Yuki NAKA; Kenji ITO; Yui HAYASHI; Motomu AKITA , 日本農芸化学会2023年度大会 , 16, Mar. 2023



  1. 〈Original Papers〉Comparative study for the efficient RNA extraction method from Eleocharis vivipara , 原田 大士朗; 泉井 桂; 秋田 求 , Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University = 近畿大学 生物理工学部 紀要 , 30 , 49 , 60 , 1, Sep. 2012
    Summary:[要旨]Eleocharis viviparaは、湿地に生息するカヤツリグサ科の植物であり、湿地の水位が低下し植物体が気中に露出する乾季には陸生型、雨季には水中に没して水生型とよばれる形態をとる。この変化は同一個体上で生じ、陸生型の稈の維管束鞘細胞はC4型植物に特徴的なKranz構造をとるのに対し、水生型の桿では維管束鞘細胞は著しく小型となり、C3型植物の特徴を示す。酵素活性等も、陸生型はC4型の、水生型はC3型の特徴を示すことが知られている。このことから、E..viviparaにおけるC3型-C4型光合成の相互転換の分子機構を明らかにすることで、C3型植物をC4型化するために必要な遺伝子群を明らかにできると期待される。一方、これまでE..viviparaから高品質なRNAを抽出する方法は知られていない。実際に、グアニジン法などでは、十分に品質の高いRNAを効率よく得ることは困難であった。このRNA抽出の困難さはE..viviparaの多糖類含量の高さに起因していると予想された。検討の結果、多糖類含量の高い植物に適したキットであるRIZO RNAすいすいPとAgilent Plant RNA Isolution Mini Kitという2つのキットを組み合わせて使用するにより、E..viviparaから高純度のRNAを抽出できた。 [Abstract] Eleocharis vivipara is an amphibious sedge which develops C4 traits under terrestrial conditions and C3 traits under submerged conditions. The plant seems quite useful for the screening of genes and proteins which are indispensable for C4 photosynthesis and for the elucidation of molecular mechanism for the integrated expression of C4 genes. On the other hand, the efficient method to extract high quality RNA from E. vivipara is not known. For this plant conventional methods such as the guanidine thiocyanate method and SDS-phenol method which are applicable to large scale preparation were not successful. Difficulty of extraction RNA was suspected to be due to high polysaccharide and lignin contents of E. vivipara. After many trials, an improvement of method for RNA preparation was accomplished in which RNAsuisui P by RIZO Co. (Tsukuba, Japan) was used for extraction and columns of Plant RNA Isolation Mini Kit (Agilent Co. Clifornia, USA) for purification.本研究は近畿大学生物理工学部戦略的研究費(10-I-3) No.10-I-3, の助成を受けた.
  2. Arabidopsis thaliana培養細胞によるC1資化植物作出モデル系の構築―ホルムアルデヒド固定のための遺伝子コンストラクト検討― , 久保森; 明渡絵里朱; 中川強; 石原健志; 小西美稲子; 柳澤修一; 笠岡昌美; 蒔田由布子; 豊田哲郎; 由里本博也; 阪井康能; 秋田求; 泉井桂 , 日本植物細胞分子生物学会大会・シンポジウム講演要旨集 , 30th , 170 , 3, Aug. 2012
  3. シロイヌナズナのホルムアルデヒドストレス応答と活性酸素種(ROS)の関与に関する解析 , 久保森; 榊原均; 来須孝光; 朽津和幸; 由理本博也; 阪井康能; 秋田求; 大和勝幸; 泉井桂 , 日本植物生理学会年会要旨集 , 53rd , 192 , 9, Mar. 2012



  1. 培養装置および培養方法 , 秋田 求 , 特許7152762
  2. スナゴケ及び種子植物の生育促進方法及び生育促進菌 , 谷 明生, 秋田 求 , 特許第5394259号
  3. スナゴケ及び種子植物の生育促進方法及び生育促進菌 , 谷 明生, 秋田 求


Awards & Honors

  1. 2007, 日本生物環境工学会西日本支部支部功績賞
  2. 2006, 日本植物工場学会学術会長賞
  3. 1993, 日本植物工場学会奨励賞

Research Grants & Projects

  1. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B)), Production of plants for phytoremediation by metabolic engineering: Enhancement of an ability to remove environmental formaldehyde and methanol , 近畿大学
  2. (独)農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構, 民間実用化研究促進事業, 緑化用培養スナゴケの大規模栽培と利用技術の実用化研究
  3. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B)), Creation of plants that efficiently absorb and remove formaldehyde in air by genetic engineering, and its application to ornamental foliage plants , 近畿大学