Joint research by 3 graduate students majoring in Electronic Engineering appear in APS Physical Review C


A paper containing results from joint research conducted by Shoya Tanaka (D2), Shoma Ishizaki (M2), and Mizuki Okubayashi (M2), students majoring in Electronic Engineering within the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, appeared in Physical Review C, a journal of the American Physical Society (APS).
This research was related to experimental research on the 18O+237Np nuclear transfer reactions carried out using a tandem accelerator belonging to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The Kindai University team carried out theoretical calculations, and their combined approach of using experiments and theory produced new research results. In fact, their experiments concerning Np236, Pu238, and Cm245 low-energy nuclear fission were the first of their kind reported.
The Kindai University team then took the data obtained from these nuclear experiments and compared it with Langevin calculations they had made to offer an explanation about the nuclear fission mechanism for the nuclei they had measured.
Their theoretical calculations proved highly accurate, replicating the experimental values, and their calculations helped clarify the data obtained about the internal structures of the nuclei and their temperature dependence, as well as the angular momentum.

Measurement of fission-fragment mass distributions in the multinucleon transfer channels of the 18O+237Np reaction
M. J. Vermeulen, K. Nishio, K. Hirose, K. R. Kean, H. Makii, R. Orlandi, K. Tsukada, I. Tsekhanovich, A. N. Andreyev, S. Ishizaki, M. Okubayashi, S. Tanaka, and Y. Aritomo

Phys. Rev. C 102, 054610 (2020) - Published 20 November 2020