Kengo Sugahara, associate professor in Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering, awarded first prize for paper by IEEE IAS Transportation Systems Committee
At the 11th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2019), held September 29-October 3, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., Associate Professor Kengo Sugahara of the Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering won first prize for his research paper.
ECCE 2019 was an international meeting of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), which consisted of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Applications of the Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department, Smart Grid and Utility Applications, Datacenters and Telecommunication Applications, Transportation Electrification Applications, and seven other sessions.
Out of a total of 1,779 digest papers submitted, 1,068 were selected for publication (60% selection rate).
Within the Transportation Electrification Applications sector of ECCE 2019, Sugahara made an oral presentation on the results from joint research he had conducted with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and others entitled "Reduction of AM radio noise of VVVF inverter for rolling stock and the simulation model of the noise current." His findings were subsequently awarded first prize by the IAS Transportation Systems Committee.