ベトナム国立がんセンター(K-Hospital)にて国際交流 造影超音波の啓発へ


近畿大学医学部内科学教室(消化器内科部門)医学部講師の南康範は、ベトナム保健省からの依頼を受け、令和6年3月ベトナムハノイ市を訪れ、造影エコーの教育活動啓発の為、科学技術およびトレーニング行政局の局長であるNguyen Hoang Long氏と面談し、ベトナムにおける造影超音波の活動について意見交換を行いました。


「Sonazoid-enhanced US for the diagnosis of focal liver lesions and the treatment guidance in ablation」とのタイトルで講演行いました。

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Prof. Yasunori Minami, at the Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology Division) of the Faculty of Medicine at Kinki University, visited Hanoi, Vietnam in March 2024 at the request of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.
He met with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoang Long (Director of the Department of Science, Technology & Training - Ministry of Health) to discuss and exchange views on the activities of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in Vietnam for educational and promotional purposes.

The Vietnam National Cancer Center (K-Hospital) in Hanoi is one of the most important cancer treatment facilities in Vietnam. Prof. Minami, during his visit to the hospital, held discussions with the hospital director, radiologists, hepatobiliary surgeons, and oncologists regarding the importance of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the Vietnam National Cancer Center and Vietnam as a whole.
Subsequently, Prof. Minami delivered a lecture titled "Sonazoid-enhanced US for the diagnosis of focal liver lesions and the treatment guidance in ablation" in a conference room.

Further collaboration between Kinki University Faculty of Medicine and Hospital is anticipated in the future.