Language Partner Program (LPP)

What is LPP?

Kindai University gives a lot of importance to language learning. Besides the availability of the various language courses in our many faculties, we also have the E-Cube where you can practice English and Language Hub where you can learn a variety of languages.

Language Hub will be running a Language Partner Program (LPP) this semester. The purpose of this system is threefold:
A) To make Japanese friends
B) To learn and practice Japanese with a native speaker
C) To teach your native language to a Japanese student
*The duration of the program is until the last day of each semester.


ランゲージハブでは、Language Partner Program(LPP)を実施しています。このプログラムの目的は3つあります。
A) 日本人の友達を作ること
B) ネイティブスピーカーと一緒に日本語を学び、練習する。
C) 自分の母国語を日本人に教える

How it works?

Exchange Students register for the program by filling out their profile in Google Form that includes their details and their preferred contact details. In addition, all students will sign off on the basic rules that govern the program.

Basically, content of the program is totally up to the students and should be met be on a reciprocal agreement with your language partner. For example, you may only meet once a week for coffee, or you may meet more often. You may decide to do one language per meeting or you might like to mix it up in one meeting. The method is up to you both.

交換留学生は、Google Formに自分の詳細を記入し、プログラムに登録します。また、プログラムに関する基本的なルールに同意していただきます。