令和元年度 第9回 近畿大学経済研究会 1/15開催


  • 経済研究会


日 時:令和2年1月15日(水)16:45~18:15

場 所:B館 1階 会議室

講演者:室岡 健志(大阪大学国際公共政策研究科 准教授)

論 題:Fragile Self-Esteem

論文の概要:We develop a model of fragile self-esteem -- self-esteem that is vulnerable to objectively unjustified swings -- and study its implications for choices that depend on, or are aimed to protect, one's self-view. We assume that a person's self-esteem is determined by sampling from his store of ego-relevant memories in a fashion that in turn depends on his self-esteem. This feedback mechanism can create multiple "self-esteem personal equilibria," making self-esteem fragile. Self-esteem is especially likely to be fragile, as well as unrealistic in either the positive or the negative direction, if it is an important ingredient of overall utility. A person with fragile self-esteem who has a low self-view might respond to an increase in incentives by decreasing effort. An individual with a high self-view, in contrast, might distort their choices to avoid a collapse in self-esteem. We discuss the implications of our results for education, job search, workaholism, and aggression.

