令和元年度 第3回 近畿大学経済研究会 9/26開催


  • 経済研究会


日 時:令和元年9月26日(木) 16:45~18:15

場 所:B館1階 会議室

講演者:Ronald Harstad(University of Missouri 冠教授)

論 題:Attaining Nearly Pareto Improvements via Forcing Asymmetric Information

概 要:By the mid-1950s, William Vickrey had introduced and formalized the notions of the social marginal costs of economic activities, and of the role of games of asymmetric, incomplete-information. He represented asymmetry of individual demands for a congestible public resource by [a] variations in the desired time of day to be able to commute through a bottleneck, and [b] variations in marginal valuations of decreases in commuting time. Other than increases in data availability and computing power, there has been little improvement over Vickrey's recommended approaches in two-thirds of a century. A new usage of data availability and computing power is proposed. Its essence is highly diminished use of public provision of information, replaced by providing individual-specific private (asymmetric) information, constrained (as was recognized by Vickrey) by incentive-compatibility considerations. The paper will present the basic idea and describe its algorithmic novelty, and illustrate in three settings: departure for such events as football games, futbol games, and rock concerts; hurricane evacuation in developed nations; and improving rush-hour road-traffic congestion.」

主要研究業績:Econometrica,Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Economic Literatureなど多数
